Thursday, October 9, 2008

Geaux Joe!

From FirstRead at MSNBC:

“All of the things they said about Barack Obama in the TV, on the TV, at their rallies, and now on YouTube … John McCain could not bring himself to look Barack Obama in the eye and say the same things to him,” Biden said this morning. “In my neighborhood, when you’ve got something to say to a guy, you look him in the eye and you say it to him.”

To which Josh Marshall adds (forgive me if I offend anyone, but I simply could not resist):

After the election, in the interests of national reconciliation, I imagine Obama and Biden may allow McCain to make special non-custodial visits to his testicles.

Hey! It's just a word, a part of human anatomy.


  1. After the election, in the interests of national reconciliation, I imagine Obama and Biden may allow McCain to make special non-custodial visits to his testicles.

    That is, of course assuming that he ... no! Let's not go there....

  2. RR, I don't know what's come over me. Before I had a blog, I was much more lady-like - at least in public. A blog is public, right?

  3. Maybe it's the tatoo, Grandmere Mimi

  4. Beryl, I think you may be right. The tattoo turned me bad, loosed the inner demons.

  5. Or maybe the real Mimi is finally loose.

  6. Counterlight, she was always there. The inhibitions are gone.

  7. Cough, cough..ahem.

    After the election....What I keep wondering about is what the tell-all books will be like in a few years. Which handler or spin doctor/advisor will be the first to expose what we can only imagine is going on right now? Who'll reveal the extent of damage control and machinations behind these horrible decisions? Especially for Palin. The Greek tradgedy plays on.
    You know the advance for this book will be huge!
    p.s. Where's the tat Mimi??

  8. Amy, it's on my left ankle. Here's a pic, a fleur-de-lis, to show the world that I am a loyal New Orleanian, living in exile, and still missing the place after over 40 years of displacement.

  9. Dare I say where my new tat is? (I'll "up" the pic one of these days.), not there.


    If McPalin wants a street fight, I know who has the balls. And it's not Todd (feh).


    Major campaign advantage = O & M (Larry King live - "say it to my face" - brilliant.)

  10. Grandmere - the qualities of a lady are internal, spiritual, gracious and nothing to do with the external, or even tattoos. Your reputation is intact!

  11. "... special non-custodial visits to his testicles."

    Referring to????

    Remember I am an European!

  12. Scott, that's a demonstration of one of the reasons that the Obama team picked Biden, in addition to the fact that he is actually qualified to be president - unlike a woman I've come to know.

    I'll remind you of the picture, should you forget.

    RR, you are too kind - way too kind.

  13. Göran, am I, a sweet innocent old lady, really going to have to explain those words to you? It was difficult enough to hit publish (I was blushing as I did so).

    Think of "testicles" as a metaphor for courage and losing them, or not having them at all, as a metaphor for cowardice. Does that help?

  14. Oh grand grand statement, and it made me chuckle. Thanks Mimi for the lift.

  15. Not with the non-custodial bit.

    Doesn't make sense to me...

    ... but it doesn't matter...

  16. AFeather, you're very welcome.

    Göran, he won't ever own them or have possession of them again, only visitation rights - memories of the time when he had them. There's a child-custody metaphor in the mix, too, for better, or for worse. Plus, it's a joke, and jokes don't lend themselves well to explanations. That's the best I can do.


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