Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Billy Lucas didn't even say he was gay. He was just different and didn't fit in.

I'm sorry, but I feel sick, and I can't write about Billy. Read the story by Timothy Kincaid at Box Turtle Bulletin and weep.

May Billy rest in peace and rise in glory. May God give comfort, consolation, and peace to all who loved Billy.

Lord, have mercy on us all.


  1. Alas. What a sweet face. Another set of excuses from school authorities in the wake of a totally unnecessary tragedy. Rest in peace Billy.

  2. Lord, indeed have mercy on us all. RIP all thoes lonely Souls, including Billy

  3. "Let me wash my hands," said Pontius Pilate.
    "Pass the soap," said Lady Macbeth.

    The folks in that Indiana town ain't ever gonna wash this stain out.

  4. I can't believe the principal is still trying to rationalize what happened as if it were somehow Billy's fault. Sad to say, it will perhaps take more deaths in his very own school before this dullard finally gets it.

  5. Thanks for your comments. I really can't talk about this story.

  6. Billy's picture already looks like an icon.

    Holy Billy, rest in peace---and pray for us!

  7. I just couldn't read the story. I've tried twice.

  8. Special place in Hell for that principal.

    If that's judging, so be it.

    What outrages me - do we even know if the kid was gay, or not? No! He was bullied to the point of losing all hope for his life, all joy in his life because he was different! There's not even the horrifyingly bad justification of homophobia!

    This tells me that humans are no more capable of behaving in God's Image than a pack of wild animals, quite literally. It's no wonder my own sanity has simply shattered under the weight of all this.

  9. Mark, I don't know whether Billy was gay or not, but he was different, and that was simply not acceptable to the bullies. I didn't search for further details about Billy because the story is just too painful for me to read.


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