Monday, July 30, 2007

Not Very Smart

On Countdown James Moore, author of Bush's Brain, says:

"You can have an advanced degree from Harvard and not be very smart.". (Perhaps not an exact quote, but close) To whom is he referring? Surely not George W. Bush and Alberto Gonzales.

One commentator on the show, Jonathan Alter, speculated that Gonzales may be gone within a week. James Moore says it could take a lot longer. I agree with Moore. As I said before, Gonzales is the boy with his finger in the dike. If he goes, the entire edifice could begin to erode.

UPDATE: If Gonzales goes, will Bush be successful in finding another loyal lackey to risk everything to be his Attorney General?


  1. Let's not forget Einstein's “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.”

  2. That Einstein. Now he was smart.

  3. I sure like that Einstein quote. Hmmm. when can I use it?

  4. I put up Jeff Danziger's cartoon about Gonzales this morning on my blog... for your entertainment or weeping.

  5. I suspect Bush won't have any problem finding another fool if Gonzales goes. . . .

  6. Gartenfische, I expect you're right. He has many foolish friends. The AG position puts one at somewhat more risk for legal problems.

    Bush's new appointee to replace Rumsfeld at the Defense Dept., Robert Gates, is not a media star like Rummy. In fact, I wonder what he does besides parrot whatever Bush wants him to say.

  7. Who is this "you" that can get advanced degrees from Harvard without knowing a thing? Not me or you, that's for sure; Dubya is another story.

    I once heard it said there's nothing a university development officer won't do for money. Even, or especially, at Harvard.

  8. Dubya and not a few more like him.

    Gonzales is something else. Maybe it was for the sake of diversity that he went in and out without learning much. Or maybe he knew someone.


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