Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mitt Romney's Sons Serve - Dad

From Yahoo News:

Romney speaks up for sons' decisions

By GLEN JOHNSON, Associated Press Writer

BETTENDORF, Iowa - Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on Wednesday defended his five sons' decision not to enlist in the military, saying they're showing their support for the country by "helping me get elected."

I have no words.

Thanks to Josh Marshall at TPM for the tip.


  1. *boggles*

    *shakes head*

    *wanders off twitching*

  2. Mitt's going to be fun. I can tell.

  3. I show my patriotism by staying out of the country.

  4. I have words, but I'm trying to quit.

    Here's a borrowed one: "asshat!"

  5. Padre Mickey, I'm ashamed to leave the country.

    Your flock must truly love El Padre Norteamericano to get past your country of origin.

    Johnieb! When did you morph into Eileen?

  6. Grandére Mimi, I am the Generic Ethnic™, according to the Rev. Dr. John Kater. No one really thinks of me as Estadounidense or Norte Americano. No one blames me for the stuff that Sum Dum Gai, the Preznit, does.

  7. I am speechless -- well almost.

    Come on, Mitt- admit your sons don't support the war. Be a man about it. Grow a pair!

    This is enough to make me just sit in a corner and slobber and twitch.

  8. Hey, y'all, don't get worn out yet. I've a feeling there will be many more stories about Mitt.

    Don't forget his dog story.

  9. Oh yes, Mimi, I was going to remind everyone about the dog on top of the car story, but you beat me to it.

    completely clueless, that's what I'd say.

  10. Mitt is the immediate step between "human" candidates (who've been trained since babyhood to campaign, as in either Clinton's case) and full-fledged artificial androids.

  11. Johnieb, I vote for full android status. There's no human in there.

  12. Ohhhh ... trying to bite my tongue!competition for our current president?

  13. Serena, the Democrats look so good compared to the Republicans' rogues gallery of middle-aged to old white men.

    But I am not at all pleased that the Dems passed the bill that lets our prez order agencies to spy more than they already do - without warrants.

    What's wrong with them?

  14. "I have no words."

    I do. God forbid.


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