Friday, October 19, 2007

"A Doorman's Journal"

Doorman-Priest, writes from The World of Doorman-Priest. In his profile he says:

I function as a Lay Minister within the Lutheran Church and, as a hang-over from a previous incarnation, I am also a Licensed Lay Minister in the Anglican Church which I attend about once every six weeks. I am theologically liberal, if not radical and sadly find that many other Christians I meet seriously get on my nerves.

I have been described as a misanthrope. I like that in a priest. Baptised into the Lutheran Church, I have oscillated between it and Anglicanism, evangelicalism and liberal radicalism.

With a profile like that, ya gotta love him, right? He is a misanthrope, and he oscillates. How cool is that?

Not only that, he lists five other entities in which he writes.

He holds down so many jobs that it makes my head spin. His day jobs are teaching, and teacher-training, but he's also a lay minister, he sings in a choral society, and his night job is working as a doorman. Oh, and he is studying theology in preparation for ordination as a Lutheran pastor. I believe I have all of that straight. With his oscillating, it's hard to know.

He has posted a journal of his adventures as a doorman, in which he shares with us his encounters with the various and sundry folk he meets while he's on the job.

From A Doorman's Journal:


There are three clocking on times: seven, eight - thirty and ten. Tonight, mine is seven and it's a killer shift. I prefer pub hours but as the stand - in I can't be choosy: I go where the boss sends me. If someone's ill or on holiday or just fancies a night off I get the call. I've been here before; a city centre bar and club aiming at (but not quite hitting) an upmarket image for thirty - somethings, so I wear black tie and D.J. I feel slightly over dressed without my black bomber jacket but that's for less salubrious joints.

I forgot to mention that he's a stand-in doorman, which, I'm sure, gives his work spice and variety that he would not otherwise experience. He can't afford to get comfortable in his job.

Here Doorman-Priest tells of a conversation between him and two co-workers:

Pete always calls me "son" though I suspect I may be the elder. He is deeply respectful of me and believes me to be a priest. The confusion arose over my attempted explanation of the term “Lay Minister”. Pete, who I later came to realise has a slight hardness of hearing, took the “Minister” bit and ran with it. Another doorman, Eddie (Equal Opportunities Eddie) – more of him in a moment – took the word “Lay” and ran with that.
“What are you a sex worker then?”
“What? What?”
“Is it about shaggin’ – you know - lay worker? Only Pete said you were a prostitute.”
“Pete said what?”

More about Pete:

I keep telling Pete I’m not a priest but he won’t hear it. Instead he gets very conspiratorial: “No, no, I understand, you’re not a priest this evening” (Wink) “You’re a doorman this evening. (Touches side of nose) You want to be incorrigible, I respect that” I assume he means incognito and I give up. (Although he may have a point: I am incorrigible.)

Is this enough to whet your appetite to read the whole thing? It's a bit racy at times, but very funny. And it proves the point that it takes all kinds.


  1. I have been described as a misanthrope. I like that in a priest.

    I've tried that. Works better on paper.

  2. Rmj, DP's story reminded me a little of you with your many jobs and your encounter with your former student in Starbucks, "You failed me in English." That student.

  3. How very flattering!! Thank you.



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