Thursday, October 11, 2007

Feast Day Of Philip The Deacon

Ormonde Plater at Through the Dust has a post on Philip. Being a deacon himself - or, I should say, an archdeacon - he keeps us posted on the stories of the deacons - those neglected, but faithful, followers of Jesus, who, through the ages have done much of the hard work of the church.


Psalm 67
Isaiah 53:7-11 or
Acts 8:26-40
Matthew 28:18-20


Holy God, no one is excluded from your love; and your truth transforms the minds of all who seek you: as your servant Philip was led to embrace the fullness of your salvation and to bring the stranger to Baptism, so give us all the grace to be heralds of the Gospel, proclaiming your love in Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

UPDATE: Padre Mickey has a lovely post on Philip the Deacon, too. I did not know that El Padre posted on deacon saints. Now I know, and I will check out his blog before I post next time. Perdóneme, Padre.


  1. my husband's church is named after this philip

  2. The story of Philip's impromptu baptism of the Ethiopean eunuch had a powerful effect in the American frontier. Many followed Philip's example and baptized people they met or traveling companions in a nearby river or creek.

  3. I love the story of the meeting with the Ethiopian and his conversion and quick baptism. I can see why it would resonate.


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