Monday, November 12, 2007

From The Diocese Of Wenchoster

Too much time has passed since I've posted about the Diocese of Wenchoster, so today we'll have a look at what's happening there. First a word from the bishop. In his most recent column, at the diocesan website, the Bishop of Wenchoster speaks about the change of seasons and the troubles in the Anglican Communion:

For it hes bin a lawng season, hasn’t it? A tame when we have been troubled bay so many issues end disagreements, too much strafe end discord. Es the wither changes it is now tame to put such trivia behained us, end polish our conkers. That is a far, far bitter way to sittle disputes. I know main is!

May you awl be blissed by the Lawd these coming days!

+ Roderick Codpiecium

The website offers news from the southern Province of England:

Unconfirmed reports circulating in the southern Province of England this week are suggesting that if the bishops of the Episcopal Church (USA) are invited to attend the next Lambeth Conference, the Bishop of Doorminster may decline his summons.

The Right Reverend Ali Barbar has intimated to his closest friends and his personal chaplain (male, married, three children) that he has grave misgivings about “certain types of American bishops, if you follow my exegesis. (Wink.) Bless you.” At a recent diocesan press conference he refused to comment any further on the matter other than to re-emphasize his dislike of mincing and fawning while in procession....

And last, but certainly not least, the final word goes to the head verger, Mr. Grindle:

There we were me and Mrs. Grindle who is no longer using the capsules thank you very much henjoying our second cup of breakfast tea well it was a Saturday when we ‘eard a commotion in the ‘allway and Brasso the family retriever bounds hinto the room with the newly-delivered Church Times himagine my surprise when I read that they ‘re making a big song and dance habout churches being green and by that I mean hecologically friendly and nothing to do with junior clergy or mildew of which we ‘ave plenty of both....

Mr. Grindle continues the story without pausing for breath, but I'm afraid I must pause. You'll find the rest by clicking on the link above.

If you'd like to know more about the diocese, you can visit their website.


  1. No sooner needed than it's here!

  2. Johnieb, I don't know which of my three selections is my favorite. I do know that I can always count on the postings at the diocesan website to cheer me up in these grim times.


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