Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Poor Baby

Today we went to visit our dog, Diana, at the vet's. She is very stiff and sore, but her caregiver said she is eating, and, indeed, it appears that she has gained weight. She moves stiffly on her front legs and badly wanted out of the examining room. She knows they spell trouble for her. Bright red stitches hold her eyelids closed. Tomorrow, she may come home.


  1. She seemed to want to go back to her crate and lie down. She gave weak wags of the tail and a few licks, before we had to kiss her good-bye and let her go rest.

  2. Oh my, I am sitting here weeping. I am so sorry and still praying for you all.

    Keep us posted and know you are all held aloft in love and light.

  3. Fran, she will be all right. It's hard for her now, and for us, but she will be better. Thanks so much for the prayers, light, and love, and for your tears, too.

  4. prayers for you and Diana!

    I know just how you feel!

  5. Diane, I know you do. Scout has been through a lot. Thanks for the prayers.

  6. prayers for her and both of you.
    she doesn't understand what is going on but she knows that you love her.

  7. Sorry about Diana's troubles.

    I do hope she is soon back with you and Grandpere.

    By the way how do you put an accent above a letter? I'm beat

  8. The vet called today, and he wants to keep her one more day. I ordered her a new dog bed to celebrate her homecoming, although it won't be here by tomorrow.

    Thanks for all the prayers and concern.

    TC, I have a list of numbers to use while holding the Alt key down. The accent grave, as in my name, is Alt + 138. You have to use the numbers to the right of the keyboard, not those at the top, for the process to work. It's cumbersome.

    I'll look to see if I can find a site online which has a list.

  9. TC, here's a site that offers the codes for the accents used in other languages.

  10. Oh, the poor baby!

    Our cat Ollie had a tumor removed last spring, and I think it was harder on us than it was on him. But those first few days were especially difficult.

    I hope Diana will spring back to better health as quickly as Ollie did. Prayers headed your way....


  11. Suzer, I think she will. She's a plucky girl. Thanks for the prayers.

  12. Waaah! Poor puppy!! Poor Mimi!

    Kisses, gentle pets and love for the recovering poochie and her worried owners.

  13. Visiting a sick pet (i.e., family member) at the vet's... BTDT. It's so hard. Prayers for you and for Diana and for your vet and staff who are tending her.

  14. Diana will be fine, right as rain by Christmas. Sometimes I don't realize how much I care for my pets until something bad happens to them.

  15. Love and prayers to Diana and her family and the vet staff.

  16. Sending more loving thoughts and prayers to Diana and all of you Grandmere!

  17. Dear Grandmère Mimi,

    I hope you are able to bring Diana home soon. I know you miss her. Continued prayers for your family.

    Lindy and Rowan

  18. Lindy, thanks. I still can't get to your blog. I'll keep trying.

  19. I'm behind on my blog reading, so I hope Diana gets to come home today.

    Much love to you both!

    Doxy & Jasper

  20. Thanks,Grandmere.

    I will seek to master it once rthe wekend is out of the way.

  21. TC, I hope that you find it useful. As I said, it's cumbersome, but it works.


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