Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Another Corner Turned

According to Iraq Coalition Casualty Count 3900 US troops have been killed in Iraq, and the number of wounded stands at 38,876. 132 have died of self-inflicted wounds.

I keep count of the rounding of the hundreds of those who have died. Violence in Iraq has diminished of late. I pray the trend downward continues.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen

O Lord, I pray that you give comfort and consolation to the families and friends of the dead and to the wounded and their families and friends. Give them healing in body, mind, and spirit. Grant them strength and courage to continue their lives, and give them your peace that passes understanding to keep their minds and hearts. Amen.


  1. Heartbreaking indeed.

    Your words are the collective prayers of many of us.

    God forgive us for what we have done as a nation.

  2. I knew I could find someone who noticed here at Wounded Bird. Thanks Grandmere.

  3. Our military is bogged down in Iraq. The opposition leader in Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, has been assassinated, which will cause further unrest there. Pakistan has nuclear weapons, and Osama bin Laden is now headquartered in the mountainous border area inside Pakistan.

    None of the policies of the Bush maladministration make any sense with regard to national security.


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