Monday, December 31, 2007

Guess Who Dropped In?

Remember my post titled Priestly Behavior? The story of the priest who hissed at a one year old toddler to be quiet for greeting him before the service had even begun? I never dreamed that the post would generate the response that it did. And now, Elrena Evans, the author of the article that I referenced from Episcopal Life has left a belated comment:

Elrena said...

What a wonderful discussion! I'm only saddened that I didn't stumble across this blog sooner.

And Grandmere, may I have permission to sincerely thank your blog readers for sharing their opinions on my piece? This was such an enlightening and illuminating thread to read...although, I will confess, my husband and I did have a good laugh at someone thinking we were "those parents" who can't discipline their children and don't enforce bedtime. I apologize for laughing, but...the shoe just didn't fit. :)

Anyway, I loved what you all brought to this discussion -- so many people caring so passionately about how best to be the Body of Christ on this earth. I am truly moved. I think discussions like these are exactly what we need more of, as we work out how best to live in --and show others -- the light of God's love.

My article in Episcopal Life was actually a reprint of a column that I write monthly for Literary Mama on the subject of faith and parenting. If I may be so bold as to share the link, it's Literery Mama . I would love to see you all over there; the most recent column is always open for comments!

The Peace of the Lord,
December 31, 2007 2:39 PM

Thank you for visiting Elrena. Here's the link to the original article, if anyone would like to continue the discussion. Do click on the link to her blog, because there is a surprise there.


  1. wow, I take -- what -- a 4 hour break from looking at your blog and what do I discover? A most interesting and enlivening discussion.

    I am not an "anything goes" in worship sort of person, but I do think that this child's behavior wasn't so outrageous, and that part of the issue is for her to feel WELCOME as a child, EVEN if there are boundaries put on her behavior.

    I'm so glad the author dropped by. Mimi, you do such great "stuff."

  2. Diane, thanks. I'm not anything goes either, but that was a bit much, since the service hadn't even started.

  3. Grandmere, thanks so much for posting my comment! I am honored.

    And Susan S., please don't feel ashamed. I wasn't trying to make anyone feel bad with my comment...just wanted to explain a bit. :)

    I think the work we do as parents is hard, so hard, regardless of our parenting "philosophy" or what have you, don't you? It's certainly given me a whole new perspective on the metaphor of God as our parent!

    Grace and Peace,

  4. Susan, it's not your shame. Don't take it on.

    Peace and grace to you, Susan, and you, too, Elrena. I'm glad you got to read our comment thread.


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