Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26


  1. Awww... Happy new year to you, too...
    and May God bless and keep you.

  2. Thanks, Mimi. How sweet! A fabulous 2008 to you and Grandpère and Diana.

  3. Happy, blessed and NICE New Year!

  4. Hell, I know a certain group (that you know as well as I do) has co-opted the greeting, making a parody of the original intent, but, anyway:
    have a BLESSED new year.

    Thanks so much for your first year of a way public witness to the healing power of the Christ and all the crazy, loving Episcopalians who call His name Savior. I pray you'll continue your ministry on the internets, even as you torment our mad friend across the sea.

    God's Peace.

  5. John, it's my word and your word, too, and it's God's blessing.

  6. Happy New Year!

    we popped our first bottle of bubbly already when I got home from work. We are supposed to go over to friend's in Seattle but I'm really just wanting a quiet night at home with the dogs and David and a couple of bottles of bubbly that I found at a favorite wine shop last week.

    Have a great night tonight! careful with the fireworks!

  7. We'll have a night at home, but I doubt that it will be quiet with the 7 year old who has ADHD. We stopped going to New Year's Eve parties several years ago.

    We will have illegal fireworks, but the cops tend to look the other way. Grandpère does the honors, and he's careful.

  8. Very nice. Thank you, and Happy New Year!

  9. Happy New Year, Mimi!

  10. Happy New Year to you too, Mimi. May your new year be filled with God's love, joy, and peace.

  11. David, thanks for the good wishes,

    Rev SS, thanks for dropping in. Come back and visit again.

  12. Happy New Year to the beautiful Grandmere Mimi!

  13. Thank you, Fran. The video is Jib-Jab's greeting, but it worked for me. My blog friends have given me good times in 2007. It's already 2008 for you. We have two more minutes. Here's to a better 2008.

  14. Happy New Year, Mimi. Hope we get to have another OCICBW party soon!

  15. A very Happy New Year and congratulations on a year's blogging. Being more recent than that in these parts I had no idea, from the quality of your blog, that you are that new to the game.

  16. ps Wot's with the suppression of avatars? Another blow against individualism? Only Jane Austens may apply?

  17. Lapin, thank you for the kind words. Sorry about the blow, but I had to do it. Your individualism is back.

    I am having trouble with Blogger, or Firefox, or Norton or something and I'm trying to straighten it up by using different fixes. That was one of my attempts at fixes. It is not fixed.

  18. A very Happy New Year to you and Grandpère, Grandmère Mimi. God's blessings to you both throughout the coming year.

  19. And to you, Grandmère Mimi.


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