Friday, December 14, 2007

I Got Elphed

Lapin Elphed me and some other folks. Cool, isn't it? Go elf yourself.

UPDATE: Folks want to know: The dancers are the 16 year old MadPriest, That Kaeton Woman, me, and the ABC having a jolly old time.

UPDATE 2: Here's another version of my elfing, thanks to Ann.


  1. You look great! Who's with you and the Evil Lesbian Priestess?

    Paul made me do it, yesterday. :-)

  2. Ann, I figured, "What the hell." My picture was all over as a result of the New York gathering, and even before that with the First Draft clean-up crew in New Orleans, so I gave up. I'm outed.

    However, I don't want my picture staring at me each day, when I open my blog - thus Jane Austen remains on the sidebar.

  3. Note to Eileen the Episcopalifem on a totally (?) unrelated matter (I also just posted at Paul's the same message): access to your blog is banned by a civil court in Turkey. (Where I still am till midweek next week.) What DID you say recently? Or is it the dressless lady on your home page? (If I write out the word n * a * k * e * d* poor Mimi will get spammed. I asked one of my Turkish friends here and she says you must have said something anti-Turkish. I told her your blog wasn't terribly political, only the usual criticisms of El Presidente, like most of the rest of our friends. Oh do tell. I left you a note in the comments section of my blog (where you last wrote) but haven't heard from you, and I can't find your e-mail. P.S. Hi, dearest Mimi. Your blog isn't banned.

  4. Oh, fascinating. Bishop Christopher Epting's blog is banned here too! (he's the Episcopal Church's ecumenical officer -- and interreligious officer too, as I recall) and so is the Handmaid Leah's -- very devout Orthodox Christian: So now my host says it must be an anti-Orthodox thing, because although the Ecumenical Patriarchate is here, the Turkish government doesn't like it. (But they haven't banned its website.) Eileen, doll, have you suddenly gone Russian Orthodox on us? Or Greek Orthodox? And how come they haven't banned Padre Mickey and me, the icon posters?

  5. Jane, I have posted nothing about Turkey, except in comments about YOUR trip to Turkey at YOUR blog.

    I'm banned. I'm not banned. I'm bad enough to be banned, but I'd be interested to know on what grounds. ;o)

    And they let the wicked Padre Mickey through?

  6. Banned in Turkey. Must be a Christmas theme to be teased out of that.

  7. Lapin, no doubt, no doubt, and I'm sure you will come up with something. I'm already shrinking from it.

  8. I think MP is probably your man on this one. Turkey and stuffing both.

  9. Don't forget basting and its many meanings.

  10. What fun. Emmy, one of my staff members, sent me two elfings of me and our staff which is posted on my blog. I sent it to Ann and she to Jake and The Mad One. It's such fun to see it make its way around in various incarnations.

    I'll dance with you anytime, Mimi, but not with the MadOne - age 16 or not.

  11. Elizabeth, don't you trust the Mad One? I'm glad to dance with you, too.

  12. Never mind the Mad One; who let that other twit in--the one on Mimi's other side?

  13. Johnieb, I suppose Lapin is responsible for him. None of the rest of us invited him. After all, I'm not invited to Lambeth.


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