Thursday, December 13, 2007

Surprise! Jodie Foster Comes Out!

From the TimesOnline:

After guarding her private life fiercely for 15 years, Hollywood actress Jodie Foster has publicly acknowledged her lesbian partner.

The Oscar-winning actress thanked "my beautiful Cydney" after winning an award at the Women in Entertainment Power 100 breakfast in Los Angeles.

From the comments to the Times article:

Wouldn't it be great if one day this sort of thing was so inconsequential that nobody cared?

Yes, it would. No headlines. Just life.


  1. Hmm. I'm glad she finally felt comfortable enough to state the obvious.

    That was catty of me--I should just say, I'm glad she feels free.

  2. I am sorry for celebrities who get so much media attention when talking of someone they love (or don't love or whatever). We're too driven to look at others and judge.

  3. Kirstin, I was catty in my headline, but this was one of Hollywood's worst kept secrets. Not that I judge her, because folks come out when they come out.

    Jan, they have to know that the media attention comes with the territory, but the reality of all the attention may be much worse than anything they imagined beforehand.

  4. Rev SS, welcome. It would be great, and one day it will be that way.

    Thanks for visiting.

  5. Blue eyes, brown hair, gay, freckles, funny, tall.

    It should be af that level of significance, just one of the bits that make us us..

  6. We can only hope for that day when who we have the capacity to fall in love with is a non-issue.

  7. DP, that's a good analogy - one of the bits that make us us.

    RevB, oh, for the day.

  8. I've been under the impression that she came out years ago.

    I guess I really am surprised that she's just doing it now.

    And, BTW, I'm launching my new blog today with a bit about Abraham Lincoln and the new colorized $5 bill coming out in March 08.

  9. Mike, I'll link to you in my blog friends. How would you want the name to show up on the sidebar?

  10. Hmmm ...

    Lavender Wolves

    I don't know how much time I'm going to have for it. At this point it's still an experiment.

  11. BTW, the new little pic in here is one of my orchids that decided to bloom in December this year ... a bit off its regular schedule. It is normally a hot weather bloomer. But we had an unusually cool summer and and unusually warm fall. In fact we're still getting weather in the 80s fairly frequently, although not today.

    For any orchidophiles out there, it is named Vascostylis Prapawan "Tanzanite"

  12. Oops ... my bad ...

    Vascostylis Prapawan "Tanzanite" AM/RHS

    (A vascostylis is a combination of three different orchids species, vanda, ascocentrum, rhyncostylis)

    AM = Award of Merit
    RHS = Royal Horticultural Society

    (One of this plant's siblings won that award at the Chelsea show a couple of years ago.)

  13. Now, see here, Mike, if I'm going to link to you, you're going to have to write, OK?

    An orchid by any other name would be as lovely.

  14. Mike, it's beautiful! Thanks for brightening our day.

  15. What a beautiful creature of Godde: The Vascostylis Prapawan "Tanzanite" AM/RHS, you, me: all.


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