Wednesday, January 2, 2008

She Tells Them

Lisa at My Manner of Life has a transcript of an interview with Bishop Katharine Jefforts-Schori by the BBC. I left the comment below at Lisa's site:

Blogger Grandmère Mimi said...

Lisa, I thought she did very well. She's pointing out truths that it seemed the leadership was reluctant to speak aloud, such a[s] the fact that Gene Robinson is not the only partnered gay bishop, just the only honest one.

I liked the, "You do it, too," about the same-sex blessings and her comment about double standards. Good for her. What on earth does she have to repent of?

The online article by the BBC labels Bishop Katharine "unrepentant on gay clergy".


  1. What on earth does she have to repent of?


    The PB just calmly tells it like it is and my! how the neo-puritans get their knickers in a twist. Concern trolls come out of the woodwork.

    I love how she models being a primate in a church that is not subjugated to folks in purple.

  2. That was a truly impressive interview. She stayed calm and measured and spoke the truth.

  3. We may never have had a PB who spoke honestly and forthrightly. It's refreshing.

  4. Admirable and refreshing. It's time that those words were spoken.

  5. Love how she handled herself, and love her!

  6. OK, following what the PB said and that letter from the bishops (many of them English) I decided to put some information out there. Check my blog. I would be curious what you thought.

  7. Dennis, just so you know, I love you, and I am praying for you.

  8. This is one of Bishop Katharine's strengths: speaking "calm and measured and ...the truth."

    The thickheadedness of the interviewer and the BBC editors is embarrassing to an otherwise fine news organization; is it impossible to get journalists who are informed on the subjects they investigate?

    Good job, Dennis: prayers, brother.


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