Monday, February 25, 2008

From Our Canterbury Correspondent

From the comments to my Water vs. Wine post which included this statement:

Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of sh*t.

Lindy said...

What I want to know is how can we get water banned at Lambeth because I think some of those bishops must have been drinking quite a lot of it already.

and then:

PseudoPiskie said...

Lindy has a good point. And perhaps an abundance of the fruit of the grape might make the gathering much friendlier.

and finally, THE WORD, from our Canterbury correspondent:

Mary Clara said...

I am advised by someone closely involved in planning for the upcoming Lambeth Conference that at the 1998 Conference, the pubs and the wine shops on the University of Kent campus were well patronised.

So we can hope.

Thanks for the good news, Mary Clara.


  1. Unfortunately, Lambeth 1998 was highly contentious, the carefully crafted resolution on sexuality got dumped and hasty substitutes passed, and they came up with the idea of the Windsor process. That Lambeth was a huge step backward from the prior ones. I am not reassured.

  2. Lindy said...

    What I want to know is how can we get water banned at Lambeth because I think some of those bishops must have been drinking quite a lot of it already.

    Ah, but is it bottled water? Because if it is that would be a double sin!

  3. The Windsor Process is evidence that there is too much water consumption among the primates. An intervention please.

  4. Paul, you are exactly right. It may take more than wine.

    Ah, but is it bottled water? Because if it is that would be a double sin!

    RR, that should be banned, too.

    Lindy, do you think the primates would give thought to putting an intervention on the agenda? That could work.

  5. I am thinking maybe they can be allowed the beverage of their choice SO LONG AS they abstained from passing resolutions or approving sundry schemes, arrangements, or covenants.

    Meet, pray, talk, take counsel together, think about how they can uphold each other in mission, and otherwise STFU.

    Just a suggestion.

  6. Just a suggestion.

    I'll pass your suggestion on to my friends in high places.

  7. I knew the swamp mafia had connections!

  8. Are you allowed to say shit on a blog? I'd like to know, only I wouldn't like to upset any fundamentalists. (Still getting out of my system as you can see.Obviously not saved yet.)

  9. Are you allowed to say shit on a blog?

    DP, I guess it would depend upon the blog. You've said it here, and I haven't deleted you or censored you, therefore you can conclude that you're allowed to say shit here.

    Obviously not saved yet.

    I find myself worrying about the state of your soul quite often, DP. I wouldn't want to have to put my swamp mafia on you to "hurry" you on a bit. I have people over there, too, you know.


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