Monday, February 25, 2008

Recurring Dream Predicts Blogging

Fran's comment was in response to another blogger's post on recurring dreams:

FranIAm said...

I used to have a recurring dream of becoming someone who communicated with many others on some strange machine that did not yet exist.

Somehow I would type words that others would read and then I would go read words that others had typed and I would put my thoughts down in funny little boxes as part of the theme of their words.

It all went very well and I met so many nice people, especially a very kind, smart and funny woman from Louisiana- some kind of grandmother.

Thenl I fell under the sway of some renegade Anglican from the UK and suddenly the dream took on a strange quality. This priest type was very Svengali like and he had many followers.

The words in the boxes on the funny machines that talk to each other got more and more unusual - some are funny, some are sad, many are quite moving and some of them have songs that seem very scary.

I always wake up at that point.

Funny, that.

(ok i know this was supposed to be serious and people have written of their dreams very beautifully. i am just being my contrary bratty little self over here. do forgive me please.)
25 February, 2008 02:20

When did the requirement to be serious at that blogsite go into effect? No one told me.

I hope everyone pays close attention to the bolded words.


  1. You've just gotta love's impossible not to. I'm glad you posted this.

  2. Rowan, how could I not? Especially, since it includes that lovely part ABOUT ME. I see your blog posts ABOUT YOU, so I know that you know where I'm coming from.

  3. To be in someone's dreams!!! Must be heavenly.

  4. Jan. I'm going to meet Fran in real life at the end of the week, and I will probably dream about her after that.

  5. See- sometimes dreams really do come true!!!

    Thanks for this Grandmere - this had me laughing my head off.

  6. Getting a case of envy here (on bloggers meeting in NY). Have a wonderful time and report back for those who remain home.

  7. Paul, since I don't own a laptop, everyone else will put out the scoop before I do. I may not even be able to read what they say about me until I get home.

    So far, I'm meeting Fran, PJ, Queer For Christ and his partner, and Reverend Boy and I are trying to work something out. (Not all together) Isn't that splendid? Why shouldn't you feel envious?

    If I ever head out New Mexico way, I will plan to meet you. I would love that.

  8. Absolument, Grandmère. Cela me fera de grand plaisir!

  9. Grandmere - perhaps we should plan a NM sojourn for you and me. That is, if you can stand me after the actual meeting.

    Honestly the only reason that I came here was to see if this post actually existed...

    I thought I dreamt it up.

    Ps - oh you are meeing my homeslice PJ? I need to meet her at some point to.

  10. Maybe I will bring my computer and we can live blog our meeting!!

  11. Cela me fera de grand plaisir!

    Paul, you may regret that you ever said that, mon cher. Just wait until Fran and I come crashing in on you.

    Maybe I will bring my computer and we can live blog our meeting!!

    Brilliant, Fran! We won't talk. We'll type to each other, and all can experience the sparkling exchanges.

  12. And ya didna even send me an email? It's not that hard to get to the city, Mimi, and PJ has promised a maybe we'll meet. I can't blame QFC or TRB, so you two have to take it all.

    Hmmph. Ya could email me when ya make up yer minds, huh?

  13. Johnieb, love, I feel bad about asking folks who don't live in NYC to take a trip in to meet me. I would love to meet with you again. I will email you.


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