Friday, February 22, 2008

The Wisdom Of The Desert

Some elders once came to Abbot Anthony, and there was with them also Abbot Joseph. Wishing to test them, Abbot Anthony brought the conversation around to the Holy Scriptures. And he began from the youngest to ask them the meaning of this or that text. Each one replied as best he could, but Abbot Anthony said to them: You have not got it yet. After them all he asked Abbot Joseph: What about you? What do you say this text means? Abbot Joseph replied: I know not! Then Abbot Anthony said: Truly Abbot Joseph alone has found the way, for he replies that he knows not.

Thomas Merton, The Wisdom of the Desert - LXXVIII


  1. God (and Mimi) forgive me, but I'm tempted to ask how Abbott Bud answered. :)

    Mimi, re. the comment you left at my place, Dennis did indeed forward the email to me, and I replied to what I thought was your address. Let me know if it didn't get there!

  2. PJ, I forgive you for asking about Abbott Bud, but, sadly, we may never know his reply. If anyone has information....

    I found your email in my trash folder! Charter did it! You are now on my "allowed" list, and I answered your email.

  3. Probably something about Mr. Fields. :)

    I will stop now, and check my email!

  4. Sounds like what I learned at Shalem for the past ten days--to have an "un-knowing" mind. . . .My daughter AE asked me why I'd paid so much money to find that out! It's a life learning.

  5. Be consoled, Jan. The wisdom I've gained with age is the knowledge of how much I don't know.

  6. Good quote Grandmère Mimi.

    Is it just me or is EVERYone quoting Merton this week? Not that I'd complain about it if they did... though he was not a big fan of TEC, you know. Still, at least in my circle, there's a Merton revolution going on.

  7. Viva Via Negativa!

    I know the answer, Mz Mimi; may I?

    St. Abbott Bud answered,

    "No; who is on first."

  8. Lindy, there's a whole lotta quotin' Merton goin' on. I've noticed that. too. No, Merton didn't return the admiration. He thought Anglicanism was a pale copy of the RCC. At least, that's what he thought in the early years after his conversion.

    Bingo, Johnieb! You win the prize.

  9. I love the stories of the desert fathers and mothers.


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