Monday, March 10, 2008

Episcopalians, Anglicans,Take Note!

No. 1 on a long list of helpful household hints sent to me by my daughter:

Peel a banana from the bottom and you won't have to pick the little "stringy things" off of it. That's how the primates do it.


  1. I have known only one person who did this (and that person was somewhat "unbalanced"--for quite other reasons) but I shall try it out. It just seems so wrong, somehow.

    More evidence of how arbitrary the manner in which we do most things.

  2. Paul, I don't know exactly why - a touch of insanity, perhaps - but your comment made me laugh out loud. I have never seen anyone do this.

  3. This is the most helpful thing I've heard all day. Finally some information I can actually use. Thank you Grandmère Mimi.

  4. Lindy, I'm always happy to be of service.

  5. Curiously interesting - I must watch bishops more carefully during the fruit course in future.

  6. RR, watch and wait. This could be something big.

  7. Oh, dear. The thought of watching a Bishop eat a banana has left me thinking of that old joke:

    Why do Fundamentalists not make love in the standing position?

    It might lead to dancing.

  8. Kate, you are naughty. But then I am, too.

  9. Oooh! Praise from an expert is always worth five times more than from anyone else! Thank you, Grandmere!

  10. It works! Missy Madam & I just tried it on our dessert tonight, and it's true! Even Mum is impressed!
    Thanks Grandmère,

  11. Alcibiadss, you and your family are our first testers. Thanks for the report.

    Does this mean that primates are always right? Nooooo, I don't think so.


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