Sunday, April 20, 2008

A+ For Alliteration

Our dear friend, Paul, the Byzigenous Buddhapalian, has been noticed by The Kate Middleton Report, a blog dedicated to the current girl friend of Prince William. His skill in alliteration brought him the prize. Imagine! The lesson here? Persevere in Friday Prince Blogging and you will bring honor upon yourself.

Perish any thoughts that he appears too young to blog. He's a prodigy.


  1. Start life exposed to Baptist preachers and alliteration comes naturally.

    Sweet of you to notice my youth.

  2. Paul, you were and still are adorable.

  3. Yay Paul! Nice Paul the Priceless Princeling Photo!

  4. Y'all are very sweet, each and every one of you.

  5. I am glad to see Paul's work recognized. He's one of the best humans around you know.

    WOOF Paul!

    Your mate,


  6. Rowan, he is absolutely a good human. You have a nose for smelling out the good ones.


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