From the Advocate:
A Senate panel approved a bill Thursday to revamp the way evolution and other topics are taught in public schools despite charges it could inject biblical topics into science classes.
Senate Education Committee Chairman Ben Nevers, sponsor of the bill, denied that his proposal was a bid to promote creationism — the view that life began about 6,000 years ago in a process described in the Bible’s Book of Genesis.
Nevers and other backers said the bill would promote wide-open classroom discussions that students are hungry to hear.
Opponents said that, if the Legislature approves the bill, it will make Louisiana a target of national ridicule as an outpost of anti-evolution views.
Whenever the Louisiana Legislature is in session, we the citizens, risk having mischief and foolishness thrust upon us. We're much better off when they're at home.
Of course, this bill will make Louisiana the object of ridicule. If the students are hungry to discuss faith theories of how life began, then they can do that outside school science classrooms. Here's an opportunity for the churches to seize the moment. All that's required of the teachers, if the subjects come up, is for them to say that creationism and intelligent design are not scientific theories.
More times than I want to, I have had discussions with people who should know better, but who can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that there is a difference between what we believe by faith and what we know because scientific methods lead us to that knowledge.
The revamped bill would require the state to assist teachers, principals and others in encouraging students to pursue “critical thinking skills, logical analysis and open and objective discussion of scientific theories.”
You see. They don't get it. The bill will be encouraging students to pursue ignorance. Is that what you want from your education system?
The legislation would allow teachers to use approved materials that supplement school science textbooks in any examination of those theories.
What, indeed, will the supplementary materials contain? I shudder to think. Who will write them? The clergy? Surely not scientists in good standing in their communities.
Nevers said teachers need wider latitude to discuss scientific theories, especially because textbooks are used in seven- to 10-year cycles.
I don't know what the 7 to 10 year cycles have to do with this bill, but I'd say to Nevers, CREATIONISM AND INTELLIGENT DESIGN ARE NOT SCIENTIFIC THEORIES!
The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana creationism bill in 1987. Critics said Thursday that Nevers’ bill would spark another costly lawsuit.
So. All of this foolishness seems to be nothing more than posturing, because the state will surely face a lawsuit and will then have to spend our money to defend a stupid law that should never have been passed in the first place, and they will, in the end, likely lose once again. Is there no one in the legislature who will stand up and introduce sanity into the process?
Oh, and I almost forgot.
The legislation, which is a substitute for Senate Bill 561, was first sought by the Louisiana Family Forum, which describes itself as a group that promotes traditional family values.
Would you like to know the mission of the Louisiana Family Forum? I'm going to tell you anyway.
Our Mission
To persuasively present biblical principles in the centers of influence on issues affecting the family through research, communication and networking.
* Persuasively: in a manner that compels a change in thinking which results in action.
* Biblical principles: foundational values derived from transcendent scriptural truth.
* Issues affecting the family: factors that strengthen or diminish family structure, nurture or sustenance.
* Centers of influence: church, business/industry, government, media, arts, law, medicine and academia.
* Research, communication, networking: compiling and evaluating data from the most reliable sources; developing well-reasoned arguments disseminated through publications, broadcasts and speaking; connecting churches, pro-family organizations and influential professionals.
There you have it. Those are the folks who want to influence what is taught in the science classrooms of public schools. Experts all, I'm sure.
This is a battle being waged all over. Florida, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Pennsylvania (the Dover trial decision is a classic to read!). The creationists keep working with legal teams to try to subvert science education and leave US students further behind in the 21st century. Packing school boards, raising legal challenges, showing bad judgement and touting stuff like the movie Expelled. All saying with their lips that it's not creationism, but all the while showing no scientific rigor or testability. Just terrible news for science teachers, and ultimately for the students or Louisiana.
ReplyDeleteThis is really sad. As Clumber says, it happens all over the place. Which is what is truly terrifying.
ReplyDeleteI don't think anyone would try that yet in New York, but there are no shortage of home schooled children because of things like this.
I can't remember what blog I saw it on, but it was an Onion spoof of a magazine cover with an upset looking mom and a kid. The headline was something like "They tried to teach my son biology!"
Clumber it's the stealth that infuriates me, not to mention the sadness that I feel that so many of my friends and neighbors are taken in. It's the same battles over and over. I guess that shouldn't be surprising if you know any history.
ReplyDelete"They tried to teach my son biology!"
Fran, exactly. And that would include not only evolution, but SEX.
This is an issue on which the bishops (including RC, UMC, and ELCA) should be speaking out.
ReplyDeleteOrmonde, absolutely! That would go a way toward convincing at least a few of their followers.
ReplyDeleteThese people at Louisiana Family Forum are pimps for David Vitter. He earmarked $100,000 for them to push this nonesense, but had to withdraw it when it was exposed. They, in return, wink at his whoremongering.
ReplyDeleteConsidering that our well educated governor claims to believe in 'creation science' this is not surprising.
ormonde -- I'm not sure about RC -- I think Bennie is supportive of Intelligent Design -- which the Creationists see as a comfortable slippery slope on the way to 6,000 years ago: BOOM!
ReplyDeleteThe Catholics are relapsing. JPII was pretty much on board with evolution as a biological mechanism that in no way diminished the (possible) role of God in the process.
ReplyDeleteBut Benedict is quite anti-science, and has made a number of noises that he wants to roll back that sensibility to embrace ID. The Vatican also has its own academy of sciences. They have, believe it or not, done some interesting work in astronomy (pace, Galileo!). But Iread somewhere that they now want to turn the Vatican observativory into a retreat center.
In many respects Benedict seems to want to take the church back to at least the 17th C. if not before. Which is really sad in so many ways.
Stupid Pope.
Jim, I don't know what to make of our Rhodes Scholar governor's support for the creationism nonsense in the science curriculum. How is it possible that we have two Louisiana politicians who are Rhodes Scholars, and yet they represent us so badly?
ReplyDeleteSusanKay, I believe a version of ID, but I don't pretend it is science. I don't see how anyone with any intelligence or even a smidgen of knowledge of science can think that either creationism or ID is science. I don't get it.
IT, they are relapsing. In all my 17 years of RC schooling, I never heard that there was a conflict between faith and evolution. Granted that was a long time ago, but the RCC seems to be regressing to a time long past, before I went to school, more than 50 years ago.
There are plans to use the present observatory for another purpose, but I believe they will build another. I'm not sure about this, and I did not check, so FWIW.
A 1972 "New Yorker" piece by Calvin Trillin on the Breaux Bridge Crawfish Festival is the bedrock of my knowledge of Louisiana's political system:
ReplyDelete"Peter Wolf, an old friend of mine who grew up in New Orleans .... was brought up to appreciate what Louisiana has to offer. His father was the man who put the state government in perspective for me a dozen years ago, just after I had returned from watching the Legislature in Baton Rouge stage some particularly bizarre entertainments in anticipation of the imminent desegregation of the New Orleans schools. "What you have to remember about Baton Rouge," he said, "is that it's not southern United States, it's northern Costa Rica."
Kind of tough on Costa Rica.
This, and an early Trillin classic on Louisiana food, here:
Lapin, funny you should mention that article, because I just finished eating a mess of boiled crawfish. Umm umm good! I remember reading that piece in the New Yorker way back in 1972.
ReplyDeleteI suppose one could make an argument that Costa Rica has come farther at a faster pace than Baton Rouge.
Giving me a freaking break. Louisiana is still struggling to come out from the wreckage of Katrina and these idiots are trying to foist nonsense on our students? More and more I want to leave this country for the idiocy that masks itself as 'reason.'
ReplyDeleteCaminante, tell us what you really think. No more holding back.
ReplyDeleteBetween this post and the KBR post, I'm getting depressed. I'm going to have to pull a joke out of storage and post it.
Caminante, according to Graham Dow, idiot Bishop of Carlisle, 2007 floods and storms in the UK were God's "strong and definite judgment" on the "moral degradation" of British society. If members of the English Bench of Bishops believe this kind of crap, I imagine that there are folks in Baton Rouge capable of at least claiming to see Katrina in similar terms.
ReplyDeleteDow regards the introduction of laws aimed at reducing discrimination against gay people as a particular lightning-rod for Divine retribution. He is also, according to an article in The Times, a specialist in exorcism, who has stated “there is a view that both oral and anal sexual practice is liable to allow entry to spirits.”
Dow, as an Oxford college chaplain, helped bring Tony Blair to Jesus and prepared him for confirmation,