Wednesday, April 30, 2008

No, Bishop Robinson

From Jim Naughton at The Lead at the Episcopal Café:

Citing fears of creating a controversy, Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury has refused to grant Bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire, the right to preach or preside at the eucharist in England. Robinson received the news in an email yesterday morning.

Sources familiar with the email say Williams cites the Windsor Report and recent statements from the Primates Meeting in refusing to grant Robinson permission to exercise his priestly functions during his current trip to England, or during the trip he plans during the Lambeth Conference in July and August.

The Windsor Report does not discuss the ordination of a candidate in a gay relationship to the priesthood, and it is priestly, rather than episcopal functions that Robinson had sought permission to perform. The primates' statements, similarly, have objected to Robinson's episcopacy, not his priesthood.

Not only is a duly elected and duly consecrated bishop of the Episcopal Church not invited to attend the Lambeth Conference, he is forbidden to exercise his priestly functions while on English soil. This seems harsh.

Does the Archbishop of Canterbury not know that controversy already exists? Does he think that this decision will make the controversy go away? Does he not know that he will further alienate many in the US? Does he not care?

The email, which came to Robinson through a Lambeth official, says Williams believes that giving Robinson permission to preach and preside at the Eucharist would be construed as an acceptance of the ministry of a controversial figure within the Communion.

Perish the thought of a "controversial figure" exercising ministry on English soil. I can't help wondering if Jesus would pass the test. There appears to be some question as to whether the archbishop has the power to to withhold permission, but Bp. Robinson, gentleman that he is, says he would never exercise his ministry without the permission of the Archbishop of Canterbury. It seems rather impolite on the part of the archbishop that the responsibility to answer Bp. Robinson appears to have been delegated to an underling and that it was done by email.

UPDATE: With thanks to IT in the comments at Fr. Jakes' place:

And here's to you, Bishop Robinson,
Jesus loves you more than you will know.
God bless you, please, Bishop Robinson.
Heaven holds a place for those who pray,
Hey, hey, hey


  1. And by an email sent through someone else. Good grief was he that afraid of cooties?

  2. I keep liking and admiring Bishop Gene Robinson more and more.

  3. Ann, the man is a puzzlement. Does fear of a split in the communion drive every decision that he makes? Does he have a scheme up his sleeve that will make it all come out right in the end?

    And to say no in such an ungracious manner.

    Perhaps, as someone said at the Café, he's more afraid of a split in the English Church. If large numbers attended liturgies with Gene Robinson presiding, the embarrassment might be too great.

    Jan, I do, too. He's a godly and gentle man, ever open to reconciliation, even though he has been treated abominably.

  4. Bishop Gene Robinson is an amazing person. If only the ABC had some of Bp. Robinson's qualities.


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