Sunday, May 11, 2008

For All Who Mother - A Day Full Of Grace

Sandro Botticelli - "Madonna of the Book" - c. 1483 - Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan

Mary’s Song of Praise

And Mary said,
"My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour,
for he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant.
Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
for the Mighty One has done great things for me,
and holy is his name.
His mercy is for those who fear him
from generation to generation.
He has shown strength with his arm;
he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts.
He has brought down the powerful from their thrones,
and lifted up the lowly;
he has filled the hungry with good things,
and sent the rich away empty.
He has helped his servant Israel,
in remembrance of his mercy,
according to the promise he made to our ancestors,
to Abraham and to his descendants for ever."

Luke 1:46-55

The idea of honoring mothers by honoring Mary, the mother of Jesus, comes from Lindy at Two Fruits In the Sukka. When Jesus told his mother, "Woman, behold your son!" and then told the disciple he loved, "Behold your mother!" I take that to mean that we are all included with the beloved disciple. She is our mother, too. We are her children. Jesus is our brother.

I can think of no better way to honor Mary than to quote her beautiful prayer of praise, "The Magnificat", the prayer that presents to us a view of the upside-down world that is the kingdom of God.

Lindy wishes not simply to honor mothers, as such, but to honor mothering, to honor all those who give and have given loving care, whoever they may be. It's a splendid idea, not Hallmarky at all. I join with her to honor mothering.

Lindy's post is lovely. It includes hymns, prayers and beautiful words of her own. I urge to click the link above to her site to see for yourself.

Image from the Web Gallery of Art.


  1. Right On! Grandmère Mimi. A wonderful day to post the Magnificat.

    Thank you for the nice link.

  2. Lindy, you're the first to comment, and I like this post better than the Pentecost post, even if most of the ideas were stolen from you. I like to post the "Magnificat" often. It's one of my favorite prayers in the Bible.

    I had the title of your blog wrong in the link, but I corrected that.

  3. what a great idea! and you cannot hear the Magnificat enough, IMHO

  4. Diane, I had people like you in mind, when I was writing, folks who do mothering, despite not having physically given birth.

  5. This is a gorgeous post Grandmere.

    Did you know that in Guatamala, during the 80's, the military junta that was in charge there outlawed the public reading or recitation of the Magnificat?

    It was considered too dangerous.

    I wish I could remember where I read this, but it was a credible source.

    Happy belated Mother's day to you with great love.


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