Tuesday, June 24, 2008

100,350 Visitors - Thank You!

I meant to note the turning of the counter to 100,000, but I forgot. It's now at 100,350. Thanks to all the visitors who have helped me to get to that number in one and a half years of blogging. Especially, thank you to the regulars who make return visits. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


  1. "By hook or by crook, I'll be first in this book!"

    Cher Grandmere, may I be the first to reply and congratulate you - and thank you for inspiring both heart and soul!

  2. It's been decades since I've seen that couplet!

    Congratulations, Mimi.

  3. Félicitations, chère Grandmère!

  4. Congratulations. That's an impressive milestone.

  5. I owe it all to y'all, you know.

  6. Congratulations Grandmere Mimi!

    And I love the pictures of your garden that you posted earlier. I always find a bit of peace here. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

    blessings, --margaret

  7. Grandmere, you make it as easy to come back here like we're grandkids coming back for more cookies (or whatever it is you make to delectate your grandchildren!)

  8. Yeah, you owe us, and we owe you: as it should be.


  9. Clap, clap, clap, clap! That's for y'all!

  10. Mon dieu! 100,350!!!

    Oh Mimi, you are amazing and I so love being a part of your blogworld.

    People flock here for a reason Mimi and that reason is you.

  11. The intertubes are a wonderful thing, aren't they? And the folks who send the words through the tubes are even more wonderful. Thanks again to all of YOU.

  12. I feel so privileged to have met you in person, Mimi! You've gone from a virtual character on OCICBW to an inspiration for all of us. Congrats on the evidence of how much we value you.

  13. Piskie, I loved meeting you, too.

  14. That's so cool! Congrats, Grandmere. Here's to your next 100,000.

  15. Thank you, Grandmère Mimi. I don't know what I ever did before finding you and the "usual suspects" that are connected through this site and the Mad One's site. What a great big, loving community you all are.

  16. Boocat, I have the best commenters. Thanks to all of you. And we do have a loving community.


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