Tuesday, June 24, 2008

On Bishop Gene Robinson

Gentlemen's Quarterly has an extraordinary article in its most recent issue titled Let God Love Gene Robinson. Robinson is the openly gay and partnered bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire. It's long, 20 pages, but it's definitely worth taking the time. Andrew Corsello, the author of the piece seems to have got it right. Thanks to a lurking reader for the tip.

Bishop Robinson is the only duly elected and consecrated bishop of the Episcopal Church who has not been invited to the Lambeth Conference, a gathering of the bishops of the Anglican Communion called by the Archbishop of Canterbury once every ten years.

I'd be at a loss to select brief excerpts from the article, but after reading it, it seems to me that what keeps Gene Robinson afloat in these difficult times is the all-embracing love of God.


  1. A lovely and moving article indeed.

  2. ... And I never thought that I'd be reading GQ magazine!!!

  3. SusanKay, I so glad you read it.

  4. RR, neither did I - think I would be reading GQ, that is. I thought perhaps you kept up with that sort of thing. I can see the special issue: "What The Cool Rural Rector Wears". I never noted Bp. Robinson for particular sartorial splendor - besides the colorful vestments.

  5. Thanks for this link mimi, even if it has thrown my schedule out for the day. So much of it has been striking, I will need to read and re-read but 2 things hit me - “Lord, I tried,” he says. “Nobody could have prayed harder than I did. Nobody could have wanted it more. I desperately wanted to be married and have kids.”
    This was my prayer life in the 60's, how can people say we choose to be gay? and the letters he was sent, Why do people hate us so?

  6. LOL, Grandmere! Yet somehow I very much doubt if GQ would feature an article on my old gardening trousers, my kayaking shorts which have seen better days (but they are very comfortable) or my favourite Scottish wool sweater, now fourteen years old, with holes in the sleeves.

    Joking aside - that GQ article was truly excellent, and does the church more good than a library of heavy, theological treatises. It also makes "Everyman" very much aware of how ridiculous conservative egos truly are in today's world.

    To quote Marcus Borg: " It seems that secular institutions today are fulfilling more of the Gospel than parts of the Church."

    Perhaps GQ, bless it, is doing just that!

  7. And "G'day," Brian - thanks to this post I have discovered your blog. Much reading to do there... and when I re-start my own pages I will link to yours.

  8. Brian, it's a heartrending story - one of many, I know. Why the hate? It's source is fear, I believe.

    I know two women who were married to gay men. It takes a hard toll on the women, too. They almost inevitably come to believe that there is something lacking in them.

    In the midst of my worst homophobic period, I don't believe that I ever thought being gay or lesbian was a choice. To my shame, I am not clean here, you know, but I hope to make up for some of that in this time after my too-late-coming conversion.

  9. Mimi. I cannot imagine you as ever being homophobic. If you were, you have more than made up for it. May the education of which you are a part continue and prosper.
    RR happy you visited, I must do likewise. Have now put the ironing off for another day (that is 10 days now)but I spent 8 weeks without ironing my shirts in Europe so guess it does not matter at home either.

  10. RR, I think it's splendid that this wonderful article was published in a popular secular magazine.

    Mimi. I cannot imagine you as ever being homophobic.

    Brian, I'm afraid it's true. Mea culpa. But I try to look ahead and not backwards.

  11. Thank you for posting the link. I loved learning more about him.

  12. Can't wait to read that. I just finished Gene's book and I thought it was great.

    Mimi - do you want me to send it to you or have you already read it?

  13. Wonderful article. How many times can y'all remember a secular journalist getting this close to accurate on matters of the faith?

    Yes, Holy Wisdom does go wherever She damned pleases.

  14. Fran, thanks. I read the book already. I loved it, too.

  15. How many times can y'all remember a secular journalist getting this close to accurate on matters of the faith?

    Not many, Johnieb.

  16. Beautiful, moving article. And in GQ! Who knew?

  17. "How many times can y'all remember a secular journalist getting this close to accurate on matters of the faith?"

    It's not the first time! See:


  18. Oops. Don't think that came through.

    Another try:




    Hope the second time's a charm!

    If these urls are cut off, as appears to be the case with my previous posting, go to gq.com, click on SEARCH, and plug in "other side of hate."


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