Monday, June 9, 2008

And The Winner Is....

"Streetcat Named Desire"

I know. No one suggested this one to pair with my other print, "Purr de Lis", but I thought I'd like the elegant cat and the somewhat disreputably titled "Steetcat named Desire" side by side. I thought seriously about "Marie Minou", with my reputation as a sorceress, and "The Purrfect Storm", but I remember Katrina and the federal flood enough already.

Thanks all for playing the game. Go ahead. Call me contrary.


  1. Well, it's your house. You should have the pairing you like best.

    I do love the title of that one.

  2. Mere, mere, quite contrare.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I clicked too many times for the last one, which is why I deleted it. That's what happens when I try to be "cute".

  5. Ruth, the title was a great influence.

    Jan, love, you are cute. I like your comment.


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