Monday, June 9, 2008

Yes! My Hero!

Email from

History is in the making as I type: Rep. Dennis Kucinich is on the floor of the House reading 35 Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush.

At last!!!!!

We've waited years to find one Member of Congress brave enough to stand up for our Constitution, for which generations of Americans have fought and died. We are thrilled and honored that Dennis Kucinich has chosen to be that one genuine patriot.

We congratulate him on his historic leadership, and pledge to do everything in our power to persuade the House to adopt all 35 Articles and put George W. Bush on trial before the Senate of the United States, exactly as the Founding Fathers wanted.

We can be sure Kucinich will come under furious attack by the White House, the Republican Party, the Corporate Media, and even Bush Democrats. So let's inundate Congress with emails and calls (202-224-3121) showing our full support for Rep. Kucinich's Articles of Impeachment:

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your constant support throughout this long and historic struggle.

Bob Fertik


  1. Do you think there's any hope that other reps will back him on this? Even if Congress gets inundated with calls and emails?

  2. Ruth, I fear not. But he's brave to try.

  3. Ok, Mimi, I did what I could. I tried to go to, but their web site is overloaded at the moment. So I winged it.

    I e-mailed my Congresswoman and told her the following:

    "I understand that Representative Dennis Kucinich read a resolution in the House tonight introducing 35 articles of impeachment against President George W. Bush.

    I believe that the president has exceeded his constitutional power. I want the House of Representatives to take up this matter and investigate it fully. Please do not allow it to be tabled in the name of politics. The abuses of power during the last several years have been so severe that I fear for the future of our democracy.

    As one of your constituents, I ask you to do everything in your power to see that this matter gets a full hearing."

    And I alerted a handful of like-minded friends of Kucinich's action.

  4. Grandmere Mimi--MP didn't put you up to this, did he? I am watching the news and there is nothing on about this. Oh, this is incredible news. Is it really true?


  5. The news outlets aren't covering it much. But I went to C-Span, and he was still reading.

  6. Ruth, I fear not. But he's brave to try. Good for you for what you did. I've got to get going, too.

    Margaret, there's your answer from Ruth. I watched part of it on C-Span. It is true.

    Why am I not surprised that the news outlets are slow in covering this?

  7. Ruth, I fear not. But he's brave to try. Good for you for what you did. I've got to get going, too.

    Margaret, there's your answer from Ruth. I watched part of it on C-Span. It is true.

    Why am I not surprised that the news outlets are slow in covering this?

  8. By the way, my mother was Ruth Hull!
    On my post tonight I talk about what the other three former president's articles of impeachment were.....this one tops them all. Check it out at, and vote in my poll.

  9. I love Dennis.

    That is faith. Acting out of your conscience and with conviction, you can't look at the possible outcome and go backwards or you may never start.

    Like the rest of the elected ninnies who ignore this.

    I am going to contact my so called elected officials (one of them Hillary Clinton) and state my concerns.

    And support for Dennis' effort.


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