Sunday, June 22, 2008

Archbishop Peter Akinola's Speech

Archbishop Peter Akinola's speech is posted at GAFCON's official website, if you care to read it. I could not get through all of it. Reading Bp. Duncan's 14 page speech and writing about it took a lot out of me, which is probably why all I'm good for today is watching movies.

I'm warning you: if I hear one more time about how the Episcopal Church has "torn the fabric" of the Anglican Communion, I will SCREEEAM!

Lapin sent me a link to the speech earlier from Stand Limp, but I do not want to link to them on my blog. It could attract the wrong type here - if you know what I mean.


  1. I couldn't do it. He's so full of himself.

  2. I've already posted a rant elsewhere. You're too nice for me to post it here.

    I'm not even going to bother to read the speech. I'm fed up with all this stuff. I'm amazed you were able to get through 14 pages of +Duncan, and any of ++Akinola's speech on top of that. All those years of jambalaya must have given you a cast iron stomach. Hats off to you!

  3. I'll try to read some of it. There's a long article in the current Harper's magazine about the current situation in the Episcopal church. It's by someone by Garret Kiezer (I think that's right). I wonder if you have heard of him, Mimi.

  4. I've read that article in Harper's and I highly recommend it.

  5. Ruth, there are those who think that most of the speech may have been ghost-written, since it seems not Akinola's style.

    Counterlight, where is your rant?

    Diane, I read the article and recommended it to Ruth. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants an overview of what's been going on in the Episcopal Church.

  6. Mimi,

    It ain't much; just some short venting that can be found here.

  7. Akinola (or whoever) calls the Anglican Communion a "church", which it is not. Just sayin'.

  8. I can't read it and how I pray for this situation.

    That article in Harper's was great and I gave a copy to my pastor.

    He referred to it during our Scripture Study class last week - the great line about how communion was a sacrament of communication by not speaking. He prefaced this by saying "Fran gave me an article that said this..."

    Of course, so many of my more conservative Catholics, having no idea what the article was about all asked me for copies.

    Frankly I have yet to comply.

    Deep sigh.

  9. I can't face it, I'm afraid. Duncans' twaddle has done me in.

  10. In the end, I read the whole speech piecemeal. It's the SOS. What they seem to want for the Anglican Communion is a weak version of the Roman Catholic Church structure, so the powers can say who's in and who's out. One obstacle to unity is that their group includes several powerful egos. Another is that the groups represented don't agree with one another on important matters.

  11. I can bury this thought in these comments rather than front page on my blog (given my position on Executive Council, I feel I should be somewhat circumspect so let me say that I write here qua individual and representing no entity but my cats and me): I was rather disappointed to understand that the bullydox are not planning on leaving the Anglican Communion but are planning on staying. Phooey. I really wish they would pick up their fundegelical marbles and GO so we can get on with life.

    Did you see the price tag for this conference? Something like $2.5M? WHO is paying (we know)? And they dare lecture TEC about misplaced priorities?

    The whole thing enrages me to the point of incoherency.

    My one hope is that the super egos of Duncan and Akinola and Orumbi will simply do each other in. Sigh, wishful thinking.

  12. Caminante, I suppose that they are more comfortable in the role of issuing threats to leave rather than leaving. The rest of us should stop paying attention, especially the ABC.

    I read yesterday that Bishop Nazir-Ali of Rochester in the UK may not attend Lambeth - another possible rebellion in the ranks "over there".

  13. On the other hand the speech of the Archbishop of Jerusalem put one or two folk in their places.


    Adrian leads on it over at Pluralist Speaks.

    You want me to do a link?

    You folk are sooooo lazy!

    Go and look it up for yourselves.

  14. Well, DP, a link would have been nice, but I will look it up.

  15. Mean D-P!

    Between Big Pete and the Democratic nominee's support of Pelosi's FISA "compromise" ("sellout"), I'm afraid I did scream for a bit.

    I don't remember a worse time; do y'all?


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