Friday, June 27, 2008

Diana Krall - "Cry Me A River"

Here's my No. 2 version of "Cry Me a River". Can you tell I like this song? I like Diana Krall, too - a lot. Her backup musicians are excellent.


  1. Pardon the Off Topic question, but how do you paste text into Blogger? Apparently the "copy" then "paste" function used in most other applications doesn't work for Blogger (at least for me and my Mac).
    I'd like to share a Bill Moyer's piece that I found, but it appears that my only option is to type out the whole damn thing myself.

  2. Counterlight, I don't use a Mac, but are you using the "edit" tab to copy and paste? You shouldn't have to type out the whole thing. What about "control c" and "control v" in a window-type comment box? Do use that?

  3. I blog with my mac but I use firefox to do it. That should solve your problem for getting your posts done. Firefox has problems sometimes in displaying but is better than Safari for creating and editing posts. I have had no problem with cutting and pasting. Hope that helps, Counterlight.

  4. I think if I hadn't complicated the issue by falling for Julie London at the age of ten I might prefer this version; Krall's a fine musician.

  5. Or, CL, you could just make a link to the piece. I know I would click on it! ;-)

  6. Johnieb, I've got one more version, but I think Julie will always be my favorite.

  7. Paul gets the grand prize.
    Yes, the answer is Firefox, thanks be to God!

    Thanks everybody for your help!

  8. Diana Krall is happy for you, too, CL.

  9. Ah, tonight I'm a proud Canadian, and all because of Diana Krall...

  10. Tim, this was last night's offering, but you can still be proud today. The Canadian inferiority complex vis-a-vis the US should have entirely disappeared after seven and a half years of George W's rule here.

  11. Well, Mimi, as I said, I'm conflicted, but it's a pleasant conflict.

    No doubt about what Mimi said, Canada Tim; many U S types have envied Canada's good sense for some time. And don't forget Oscar Peterson.

  12. I really loved Krall's performance here. Thanks for sharing both versions (so far), Mimi. I am now intrigued about what the third will be.

    I have always considered Canadians to be our sensible cousins. If only we had more sense ourselves. Sigh.

    Glad to be of help, Counterlight. One more bit of experience. If, for any reason, you wish to cut something from a blog in blogger and paste it in some other application, go back to the blog in Safari. It displays (and copies) better. Which is why I am forever hopping between browsers. I don't think I could blog with fewer than six applications (Safari, Firefox, Word, Excel, Grabber, Preview, and - from time to time - Photoshop Essentials).


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