Saturday, June 28, 2008

"Troubled Senators" Sponsor Bill

Everyone has this truth-is-stranger-than-fiction story, but I liked the Times-Picayune's "Troubled Senators" euphemism in the headline, and I wanted to share. In truth, they are troubled.

From the Times-Picayune:

U.S. Sens. David Vitter, R-La., and Larry Craig, R-Idaho, have signed on as co-sponsors of a proposed Marriage Protection Act that would amend the constitution to declare that marriage is a union between one man and one woman.

Some groups that support gay marriage charged that Vitter, whose number had appeared on the phone list for a Washington prostitution service, and Craig, who was arrested June 11, 2007, accused of lewd conduct in the men's bathroom at Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport, were engaging in hypocrisy.

The groups can't mean that. Hypocrisy is such a harsh word. "Troubled Senators" will do nicely. A touch of irony perhaps?

But Vitter, who has backed legislation against gay marriage since first being elected to the House in 1999, said he will not walk away from his beliefs.

"I strongly oppose attempts by liberal judges to redefine marriage, and so do a very large majority of Louisianans," Vitter said. "As I've said, I am deeply remorseful over having sinned in my past. But I don't think walking away from my beliefs is the way to make up for that."

He won't walk away from his beliefs. A stand-up kind of guy who demonstrates that he has backbone, don't you think?

In addition to Vitter and Craig, also co-sponsoring the proposed amendment are Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo.; Sam Brownback, R-Kan.; James Inhofe, R-Okla.; Pat Roberts, R-Kan.; Richard Shelby, R-Ala.; and John Thune, R-S.D.

All my faves are in the act.


  1. Speaking of obnoxious right wing religiosity, did you see the website (I can't link to it here, sorry) "James Dobson Does Not Speak For Me"? Go check it out, I think you'll approve.

  2. Bubs, I'll check it out. I believe that Obama used those words in a speech.

  3. Mimi, I could not believe my eyes when I saw that Vitter and Craig were listed as sponsors of the bill, but I shouldn't have been surprised.
    I saw the other day that Vitter was preparing for 2010, so I put up a video on my YouTube channel. If you are interested and have about 2 minutes it is here:

  4. Mike, LOL! And you would have been the "bachelor uncle" in the olden Suthron days.

    Jim, I will go see. We must believe the unbelievable.

  5. Jim, thanks for the directions. And my old favorite Hank sings along. Here's a link that makes getting there a little easier.

  6. This little bit of news begs for a stand-up comedian. With "wide stance".


  7. The Daily Show and "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" just write themselves, don't they?

  8. Nancy, it begs for someone cleverer than I, but I try to do my bit.

  9. This is such an old tactic. Deflect the attention from yourself by pointing the finger at someone else.

    Mimi, like you, sometimes I have a hard time not despairing.

  10. Of course the rough draft was crafted on TP from the Senate men's room...

  11. Ruth, we laugh or we cry. Sometimes it's good to laugh.

    Kirke, that's naughty.

  12. Laugh or cry is right. I get so sad about things like that.

  13. Oh God! When are they just gonna give it up. I know, let's just let them have marriage in their own image, and let's call what the rest of us do something else.... just a thought.


  14. Jan, I had got over my gasping by the time I posted, so I was ready for a laugh.

    Margaret, a picture! It's great to see what you look like, which, of course, is fabulous. I did not know that you had a blog, nor that you were a priest. Dear me. Another one. Does that mean that I must stop being naughty?

    When are they going to give it up? I hate to put it crassly, but it probably won't end until a generation (or two?) dies off. I believe that their type will eventually be in the minority.

    Now I'm going to look at your blog.

  15. I'd love to think the troubled senators and their ilk will die off in a generation or two, but remember, John Thune, one of my senators (I'm sorry, too) is a young man and there are lots like him around (including my husband and my son). They raise their kids to be mean and narrow just like them (although they call it "obeying the Bible" or "doing the right thing"). And those folks think that we liberals are just as misguided as we think they are.


  16. Laurelew, you could be right. By then, I'll be outta here and praying for y'all with the saints in heaven (not because I'm good, but because God is infinitely loving and merciful). Most, but not all, of the young people that I talk to today don't really seem to care whether their peers are gay or straight. Of course, I could be wrong.

    Sorry about your husband and son. Perhaps you will influence your son more than you know.

  17. I think back to a conversation I had with a friend during the '96 election. He contended, correctly I think, that Republicans really don't believe in sin; they simply can't imagine that what they are doing is destructive. Any failure to observe the rules can be forgiven, over and again. But we must all agree that the rules are the rules, else we won't know how to steer everyone to the world of self-satisfaction and self-righteousness they know is the only one.

    Thus, it's entirely OK for a U S Senator to solicit blowjobs in a men's room stall, so long as he supports the rule of marriage between a man and a woman, and says he's sorry for his lapses.

    It does have a kind of eight year old child's consistency about it. They don't believe they are powerful enough to hurt others that badly.

    My best effort at "unscrewing the inscrutable"

  18. I think that's pretty right on Johnieb. Pretty right on. Thank you.

    And yes Grandmere Mimi. I am a priest. How were you to know...I kept pressing the 'anonymous' button... I am still a novice at this blog stuff. And, no. Please do not stop being naughty --if that's what you are! I prefer the company of sinners...


  19. I have found most of us do, Margaret, at least, the ones I care to know.

    As to the others, it's Mimi's blog, so I'll strain myself and be nice.

    How'd ya figure it out, Mimi? I don see no dog collar in her whatsit. Is there a "Priest Detector" on the Blogger Dashboard?

  20. Is there a "Priest Detector" on the Blogger Dashboard?

    No, but I believe that I may try to have one installed. Paul from ABQ fooled me for a long time. Not that he meant to; he just didn't shout it out loud enough.

    Johnieb, Margaret has a blog. She comes clean there. Click on her name.

    Tomorrow, I'll add you to my blog friends, Margaret - that is if you'd like me to.

  21. Grandmere--I figured this was a safe place to "come out!" And I would be more than honored to be considered for your blogfriend list!

  22. Think I've mentioned before the woman who, at a Q & A session, asked a lowcountry SC politician who was particularly hot for a "defense of marriage" amendment to the state constitution, which of his marriages - his first, second or third - he wanted to defend.

    The three wives are, of course, on a very noticeable descending age scale.

  23. Margaret, I'll give you a link.

    The three wives are, of course, on a very noticeable descending age scale.

    Ooooh, Lapin, I like that. I wonder: is it ever the other way around?

  24. You cannot make this stuff up. Larry "I am not a queer" Craig is a co-sponsor. His term cannot end soon enough.



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