Saturday, June 7, 2008

"A Lesson About Early Church Music"

I love it! Thanks to Susan S. for the link and the title.


  1. I'm laughing here. I went to college at Wheaton, and even as late as the 1970s, we weren't allowed to study jazz.

    As Christian rock pioneer Larry Norman once asked, "Why should the devil have all the good music?"

  2. Back when I was at Loyola in New Orleans, oh those many years ago, the students in the music school who liked to play jazz had to sneak around. Even in their out of school hours, the profs didn't want them playing jazz. It was thought to ruin their "serious" playing.

  3. Thanks so much! Loved it, actually it reminds me of our Music and Worship Committee meetings.

    Laughing Still...

  4. Gerry, welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've watched it several times myself. It seems to get funnier as you note little details that you missed before. Come visit again.

  5. What a hoot! It takes me back to the days in high school when I was studying music theory and college courses in music history. That and my love for music of all periods.

    The comments make me think of Sara Brown, a wonderful pianist who used to play in a jazz trio. Whenever her mother caught her playing jazz as a girl she got the ruler on her knuckles.

    Have I ever mentioned that uptight priests are a pain in a location I'm sure you can all imagine?

    Thanks, Mimi, for sharing this, and Susan S. for the link.

  6. The satire is perfect - and I am still chortling aloud!

  7. I find that I get wickeder and wickeder in my postings. I hope that I don't offend any uptight priests or lay folks. I figure no one is forced to read a blog, right?

  8. V funny. The folks behind this also know a thing or two about medieval music. "Kaamelott", the French Arthurian TV series from which this comes, consists of numerous seven minute episodes. Many more on YouTube, few of which are subtitled. Many thanks.

  9. Lapin, thanks. I'll have a look for another with sub-titles.

  10. This is hysterical.

    I'm going to send this to some music and liturgy faculty I know at a certain seminary...

  11. I find that I get wickeder and wickeder in my postings. I hope that I don't offend any uptight priests or lay folks.

    Dear Mimi, your wickedness rating is "Just Right."

  12. Lisa, the results of a test show that I cuss more than Doorman-Priest, and MadPriest says my blog is x-rated. That can't be good, can it?

    Diane, the clip is from a French series called "Kaamelott" - according to Lapin.


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