Saturday, June 7, 2008

Jindal's Appointments in Jeopardy

From the Advocate:

Every appointment that Gov. Bobby Jindal has made since he took office in January is in jeopardy because he has not forwarded their names for Senate confirmation.

The appointments by Jindal for 437 jobs — including his top aides — will no longer be valid and they will have to stop working as of June 23, when the legislative session adjourns, according to the state law governing the confirmation process.

That's our Rhodes scholar governor for you. People say he is smart, a whiz. Show me, guvna.

Senate and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman state Sen. Bob Kostelka, R-Monroe, asked Jimmy Faircloth, the governor’s executive counsel, Wednesday to send the official list.

As of 5 p.m. Friday, the list still had not arrived.

The Senate cannot confirm Jindal’s appointees until the list arrives, Kostelka said.

The panel conducts background checks on the appointees to make sure there are no criminal, tax or other problems in their personal histories. In addition, the names are circulated among senators to see if the senators have a problem with any of the appointees. Senators can blackball an appointee.

Jindal did not respond to four requests for an interview placed through his press secretary, Melissa Sellers.

Is there a plan here? Does the Jindal administration know something that the chairman of the committee doesn't know? Will he send the whole list at the last minute in the hope that the committee will rush the appointees through? Many questions, few answers. And Melissa Sellers is no help at all. Circle the wagons, and hunker down is the order of the day, every day. It appears that the defensive posture is not only for the press, but for the Senate, too. What if a humble citizen wanted information? One can only imagine the horror with which that would be viewed within the administration.


  1. Holy crap - what nonsense!

    What can he hope to gain? He seems like such a player.

  2. And you think Albany is bad, Fran. I know they're a zany bunch, but we could have you beat.

  3. Oh geez, this guy never stops, does he.

    I did hear Louisiana had Illinois, New York, and New Jersey beat. And that is saying a lot.

  4. That's our wunderkind governor for you, Jane.

  5. I think that he is possibly the most arrogant governor we have ever elected, and that's saying something.
    He is enjoying his high ratings in the polls and the national attention he has been getting, but the arrogance will catch up with him and if he's not careful will bring him down.

  6. He's a good Christian man. He should read his Bible:

    Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18-19


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