Tuesday, June 24, 2008

More From The Garden

Our deep pink crepe myrtles are blooming nicely. The picture shows three of them planted in a triangle. They are the same age as the pale Pink Snow that I showed in an earlier post. We have six of this variety.

The trumpet vine, flowers above, is all over over fence, along with Confederate jasmine and another vine, which looks more like a weed. No fence to be seen.

Pretty plumbago in a pot. I could not adjust the color, which is lovely, to closer to the original.

We changed the original location of the house on the lot to save this oak tree, which is about 30 years old. Boston fern is at the base. When the ferns begin to look bad in the planter on the front porch, we set the wire hanging baskets on the ground around the tree, and they put down roots in the ground and revive and grow well.

Finally, one of our white crepe myrtle trees, with a hybiscus flower in the foreground. If everything looks lush and green and flowering, it is, but Grandpère is at his wit's end with the grass. It grows so quickly that you can almost sit and watch. We've had rain nearly every day - not showers, rain and wind. God and Grandpère get all of the credit for the beauty. My specialty is the indoor plants, which are not nearly as successful.


  1. What beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing them. They brightened my day.

  2. You have a lovely garden. It's nice to see what grows in other regions. I love that vine-covered fence.

  3. Mimi, the rain is good for the sugarcane. Please bear with it.

  4. Thank you, in Grandpère's name.

    Please bear with it.

    Ormonde, do we have a choice?

  5. Those are beautiful.
    My crepe myrtles (2 of them)are just beginning to bloom - they always bloom late.
    Mine are 'descendants' of some that my great-grandmother had at the 'home place' where my grandmother grew up.
    I do love crepe myrtles.

  6. How lovely. Thank you for sharing these photos so we may be refreshed by it all.

  7. Jim, yours are a little later up there in the north - north Louisiana, that is.

    Pablito, de nada.

  8. You have a nice garden Mimi. Is that a vege patch in the distance, beyond the oak tree?

  9. Boaz, you have a sharp eye. That is GP's vegetable garden. He grows tomatoes (regular and cherry), yellow squash, zucchini, ichiban eggplant, and corn. They are delicious - all of them - especially the tomatoes and eggplant.


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