Thursday, July 3, 2008

Nada Te Turbe

Nada te turbe
Nada te espante
Quien a Dios tiene nada le falta
Solo Dios basta
Todo se pasa
Dios no se muda
La paciencia todo lo alcanza

Let nothing disturb you,
nothing afright you.
Whom God possesses
in nothing is wanting.
Alone God suffices.
All things are passing.
God never ceases.
Patient endurance attains all things.

YouTube stolen from Margaret's website Leave It Lay Where Jesus Flang It.

English lyrics from Margaret, and Spanish lyrics from Paul, who is also a thief.

What are friends for, if not to steal from?


  1. As I said to Margaret when I first "met" her in a comment... You had me at nada!

    Brilliant video. I think it might be good for my churchy blog, don't you think Mimi?

  2. Oh yes, Fran. Perfect for the church blog.

  3. This is so lovely that I think I must watch it again. Thank you.

  4. A Grandmere --isn't it wonderful! And I am so glad St. Teresa shared it with us!

  5. Jan, de nada.

    Margaret, I noticed the sculpture "St. Teresa in Ecstasy" by Bernini toward the end of the video. I saw that when I was in Rome.

  6. St. Teresa of Avila is actually my school's patron saint and we always sing this in school.

    The song is hair raising and calming. I feel safe when I sing this.

  7. HGZ, welcome. It's beautiful. What a blessing it is that you sing this often in your school.

  8. thanks for these words
    i learned a song based on this poem
    at a monastery in taize, france
    i googled the first line
    in an effort to find
    the remainder of the lyrics
    and came across your blog



  9. Greetings, Sally. The words are lovely, aren't they? Thanks for visiting and leaving a word.

  10. Dear Everyone, Like Sally I too have been to the monastery in Taize, France and heard it sung by the Monks. Its an eternal prayer for us all. God bless you.

  11. Linda, thanks. You and Sally are blessed to have heard Nada Te Turbe sung at the monastery in France.

  12. May I suggest this version also...


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