Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"Exorcise Your Right To Vote"

From Darkblack. Posted without comment, but with a link to an earlier post of mine.


  1. Jim, Grandpère said I shouldn't post the picture, because we have to live here, but I did it anyway. I'm not a submissive wife.

  2. You know the 'submissive wife' comment brings up a memory. I attended a funeral today so this came to mind already. Twenty years ago when my aunt died the minister did a long eulogy about what a 'biblical wife' she was, and so submissive etc.
    We thought at the time that it was a shame that someone who apparently did not know Aunt Della at all should speak at her funeral.

  3. scary... and the post you linked to, as well.

  4. Imagine! Darkblack is from Canada. Word gets around.

    Jim, too funny. I can see the family exchanging looks and thinking, "Who is he talking about?"

  5. isnt darkblack the BEST! and brilliant

    i am glad you posted!


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