Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fr Jake Reincarnated As Father T

Fr Terry Martin, aka Fr Jake, formerly of Father Jake Stops The World has a new blog called Father T Listens To The World. From Father T:

My name is Terry Martin, also known as "Fr. T." I currently serve as the Program Officer for Evangelism at the Episcopal Church Center. I'm new to this position, so I need your help in discovering creative and innovative strategies for evangelism. Let's talk.

Father T, welcome once again to blogland. We missed you during your brief absence. Fr T wants to talk, so it would be good if you went to talk to him.

UPDATE: From Episcopal Life comes more information about Father Terry Martin and his new job in the Episcopal Church.


  1. Hi, are you back from Kansas City? Was everything up-to-date?

  2. Ruth, I am still in Kansas City, and everything is up to date here. My relatives are generous in allowing me to use their computers, but I don't have much time to do actual posts, except for the quotes.


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