Wednesday, July 23, 2008

From Bishop Gene's Blog

In answer to those who call for Biship Gene's resignation, such as the Archbishop of the Sudan, and those, such as the Bishop of Fort Worth, who call for the resignation of all the bishops who participated in Bishop Gene's consecration, he replies:

First, this is also about the faithful people of New Hampshire who called me to be their bishop. Everyone seems to forget that I am not here representing myself, but rather all the people of the Diocese of New Hampshire, with whom it is my privilege to minister in Christ's name. They have called me to minister with them as their Bishop, and suggestions that I resign ignore the vows that I have taken to serve my flock in New Hampshire. I would no more let them down or reneg on my commitments to them than fly to the moon. We may be the one diocese in the entire Communion who is, for the most part, beyond all this obsession with sex and are getting on with the Gospel. They would be infuriated, as well they should be, if I entertained any notion of resigning. And it is not just Gene Robinson who is being denied representation at the Lambeth Conference, it is the people of New Hampshire who have been deprived of a seat at the table.

Second, those calling for my resignation seem to be under the impression that if Gene Robinson went away, that all would go back to being "like it was," whatever that was! Does ANYONE think that if I resigned, this issue would go away?! I could be hit by a big, British, doubledecker bus today, and it would not change the fact that there are faithful, able and gifted gay and lesbian priests of this Episcopal Church who are known and loved for what they bring to ordained ministry, who will before long be recognized with a nomination for the episcopate (as has already happened in dioceses other than New Hampshire), and one of them will be elected. Not because they are gay or lesbian, but because the people who elect them recognize their gifts for ministry in that particular diocese. We are not going away, as much as some would like us to. That toothpaste isn't going to go back into the tube! Not if the Bishop of New Hampshire resigns. Not if the "offending" bishops leave the Lambeth Conference. Not ever.

Read all of his most recent post, of his morning prayers with the Greyfriars, of the young stewards flocking to him to express their support and have their pictures taken with him. Pray for Bishop Gene. Pray for all of the bishops.


  1. The only thing that has kept me from throwing my hands up in disgust and saying "Forget the whole thing!" is the photo of my bishop, ascending the hill to attend the Changing Attitude/Integrity Eucharist with +VGR.

    In that photo, +Curry is laughing and clearly being his usual happy, loving self. Unless he drinks the Kool-Aid, I can stay in this church.

    For now.

  2. I was heartened this morning when I read Bishop gene's blog entry. His response to Sudan and Fort Worth is characteristically gracious.
    Have you seen the latest video at The Gene Pool -- from Sunday before the Integrity/Changing attitude Eucharist?. It's worth a look. Last night I wrote: "Bishop Robinson is being shunned and banned, not for something he has done, but for something he is. That is simply wrong." And now I can add "being called on to resign." It's still wrong.

  3. AS NPR shrewdly noted when reporting this story: it's about power.

    Could anything be more obvious than that now?

    Sometimes the institution of the church just disappoints me beyond words.

  4. The church puts my loyalty to severe tests. The degrees of separation condemnation of the bishops who participated in Gene's consecration by Bishop Iker is ludicrous.

    Rmj, tell me about it. It's absolutely about power and nothing to do with the Gospel.

  5. Consider the FOCA/GAFCON request to have a beach head in the United States with Bob Duncan as its archbishop/moderator. He has been so badly salivating after this title for years that if it weren't so destructive, you'd have to pity him because it is so sick and pathetic. Instead, I am livid without any kind words and I don't even live in Pittsburg.

  6. Caminante, I've about run out of words and patience with the whole Lambeth operation.


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