Saturday, July 5, 2008

It's Time To Come Clean

The subterfuge is over. See that picture on the sidebar? That one is no longer operative. I am not really who I said I was. All this time I've been misleading you, and I am sorry, my friends.

Watch the video, and you will see the real me and find out about the exciting things happening in my life now.

Doug convinced me that it was time to tell the truth.

UPDATE: Here's the replacement picture of me, which will soon go up on the sidebar.


  1. I do not know who in the h-e-double hockey sticks June Butler is.

    My vote goes to Mimi!

    Tee hee!!

    I had seen this in an email with yet another write in doing so well. It is pretty funny stuff.

  2. Thanks for the laugh - I made one for my blog too.

  3. Ann, then it appears that we are opponents. Just so you'll know, I'm running hard, but I'm running clean.

  4. How much do you charge for the tattoos, Mimi?

  5. Mike, they're surprisingly inexpensive, and all the money goes into my campaign chest, that is, unless I need the cash for legal fees sometime down the road.

  6. I guess we can hope for no negative ads. And watch out for flip-flopping: avoid beach sandals at all costs!

  7. Tobias! Flip-flops? You wound me.

  8. Ah, dear one, I know that a woman of your refinement wouldn't ordinarily stoop to flip-flops; but there can be such temptations when courting the beach crowd -- the equivalent of Mr. Peron's shirtsleeves.

    Proud barefootedness is the way to go -- or Prada sandals!

  9. I like the new picture, but what about the straw hat and the corncob pipe?

  10. Yes! Red Prada sandals! Taking my color cue from Pope Benedict.

    Lapin, that one is gone forever, I hope.

    Confession: I have long wanted to BE Catherine Deneuve.

  11. You can go over to my blog for some tattoo ideas, there are a few posted there of interest!

  12. It is so good to laugh!! Thanks, Grandmere! Tattoos and all, you are fabulous!

  13. I knew you were hiding something!

    You have my vote --and your real picture is simply FAB Grandmere!

    Thank you for the laugh!

  14. Grandmère Mimi, don't tell my wife, but you are Catherine Deneuve... to me.

    Good luck, and on to Victory in 2008.

  15. Kirke, I couldn't find the tatoos on your blog.

    Oh, Jan, what can I say?

    Margaret, do you like my dress? I can tell you where to find one.

    Oyster, love, my heart is a-flutter.

  16. The new you seems really high maintenance.

  17. Finally I can stop worrying about my candidate's positions on FISA, torture, and Iraq/Iran.

  18. The search function on the home page will get you there, Mimi, but you have to spell tattoo correctly!!!!!

  19. Kirke, ouch! I'll look again and spell TATTOO right.

  20. That was brilliant. I'm a day late, a buck short, but I'll donate to the Butler campaign any day!

    Um, your new photo is pretty good, too. I can't quite put my finger on it… oh! Did you change your hair?

  21. PJ, nothing has changed. I hope your memory is not slipping at your young age.

  22. Sorry. I already promised my vote to Ann. But, maybe she'll give you a nice ambassadorship or something.

  23. Lindy, I won't say it doesn't hurt, but I understand.


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