Friday, July 18, 2008

Kansas City Here I Come - Pt. 2

Wilbert Harrison singing and playing the piano

I'm taking a plane, and this crazy little woman is gonna be there. Well, I'm not exactly little, but I'll be there anyway. You'll find me standing on the corner at Twelfth Street and Vine.

Peeps, I jitterbugged to this music in the 50s, when I was a mere slip of a girl. This song has cleaner lyrics than a good many of the other R&B songs that I could name from that time. Oh, it brings back memories! Those were the days for dancing!

This is very likely my last post before we leave, although you never know. Tomorrow morning, I'll enable comments moderation. If I have enough time on a computer while I'm away, the comments may appear, except for the trolls. If not, they'll show up when I return the following weekend.

See you in a week. Behave yourselves while I'm gone, and no gossiping about me while I'm not around. Do you hear me? Bless your hearts; you take care, now.

UPDATE: Harrison may be saying "crazy looking women". If so, the shoe fits me. I checked the lyrics on that line, and there are wide variations in the wording.


  1. Have a good time! Love that song.

  2. I only heard 'crazy little women,' so Mimi that's two modifiers, and if little doesn't fit, does crazy? :o)

    Have a good time!

  3. Have a wonderful time and keep safe.

  4. Travel safely and have a blast Grandmere! Bon voyage!

  5. Well, "little" in French doesn't necessarily refer to size, but can also be a term of endearment. E.g. I might say to Padre Pablito, who is waaaaay over six feet tall, "Mon petit Paul" and that would mean " Paul darlin' " so since you are from NOLA and can claim Cajun French, you can apply "crazy little women" to yourself, as in "Oui, elle est folle, notre Mimi, et on l'adore!" Have a great time, and we will try to behave. I'm thinking of taking an away-from-blog retreat, but I might need an online 12-step group to manage it... Love to you and safe travels.

  6. I may only guess at what Jane said, but I agree, Mimi Darlin'.

  7. Thanks for the good wishes, all. I plan to have a good time. I'll miss y'all, too.

    Johnieb darlin', I knew that you'd like the song. It's not everyone's cuppa tea. In fact, it's probably not anyone's cuppa tea. Booze is the the beverage of choice with that music.

    Ma chère Jane, merci pour la leçon. Tomorrow morning I'll be wrenched away from the computer, like it or not. A break will be likely be a good thing.

  8. Oh, the French meant, "Yes, she's crazy, our Mimi, and we adore her!"

  9. Give my regards to Main Street. Remember me to Penn Valley Park.

  10. Counterlight, if you want me to sing in the street, I'll need more lyrics. You're off to a good start. No wait! All I need is another street name and it works.

    Give my regards to Main Street.
    Remember me to Penn Valley Park.
    Tell all the boys at ------- Street
    That I will soon be there!
    Whisper of how I'm yearning
    To mingle with the old time throng!
    Give my regards to Old Main Street
    And say that I'll be there, 'ere long!

    See. It's perfect.

  11. How about "Say hi to the boys on the old Paseo."

    I certainly did.

  12. Give my regards to Main Street.
    Remember me to Penn Valley Park.
    Say hi to the boys on the old Paseo,
    Tell them I will soon be there!
    Whisper of how I'm yearning
    To mingle with the old time throng!
    Give my regards to Old Main Street
    And say that I'll be there, 'ere long!

    A work of art!

  13. YOU, my darling, are a work of art. I have little time to visit all teh wonderful stops in cyberspace and rarely take time to comment, but I ALWAYS visit here and if I'm going to say anything, I speak to you, mon cher.

    May you know joy and safety ev vacance. We will miss you. Bon voyage, mon cher.


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