Friday, July 18, 2008

Pharisaios Journal On Lambeth

Please forgive me. I'm late with the link to The Pharisaos Journal's special Lambeth edition from the Diocese of Wenchoster. I'm sorry, but I've been busy, busy, busy. Here it is finally and you can catch up.

The special edition will be updated, so you'll want to check in periodically.

Imagine! Bishop Roderick Codpiecium is BLAWGING the conference!


Hello! I am so exsated that I can hardly … oops! Never mained!

Being here in Centerbury awlways feels lake coming home. Es I walk dine the familiar streets, jostling with shoppers end tourists alake, looking whimsically et the Jolly Sailor in Northgate Street, may mained goes beck to the iteings with the Guild of Sarvers of the Sinctuary awl those yars ago. Humphrey Mountford, the MC, awlways in charge. He chicked our cottas one by one before we went into the tearooms for ‘levenses. I wonder what happened to him after the ruling by the Diocese of Oxwich? Then there was Miss Hornblower, the village school teacher, who awlways came along for the raid, end who showed an unnatural fascinat-i-on with gargoyles, and the dark spaces behained the tomb of Saint Augustine.

But I digress. Today I joined the other Bishops end Archbishops for luncheon in the grand refectory. I was told that may accompanying crucifer end acolytes were (what did they say?) “a bit over the top.” So I gave may boys twenty quids (you see, even es a Lord Bishop I cen still talk the vernacular!) end sent them into tine to enjoy themselves end make new Christian friends in the Tesco car park.

Looking arind at the tables I saw thet I was the only one wearing cope end mater, so decided that it was tame to divest.

Later this afternoon we met for prar in the main hall, end I marveled at the sea of faces arind me. Awl Englicens together. I hope to make many new friends over the next few days end hope to keep you, may people end darsis, informed every process-i-onal step of the way, in this, may farst blawg!

Have a look at the Behind the Quire section.


In a surprising TV interview this week, Mithrandir (also now known openly as Gandalf the Pink) had declared that he will use his wisdom and powers to forge an alliance with the Lord (Bishop) of the Ham Shire, Tipto Robensween.

Interviewed by the BBC’s Thomas Bombadil, Gandalf insisted that, “In the face of those who would threaten the Ham Shire, or not invite its leaders to candlelight suppers and tea parties (primarily those of the Southern Realms, the Darkest East and the witch realm of Rochester) such peoples must be faced down, or rather faced up… oh bother, you know what I mean! Fool of a hack!”

You won't want to miss the picture Gallery. Here's a sample, but there's more, much more.


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