Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Karl Rove Held In Contempt

From TPM Muckraker:

The House Judiciary Committee has just voted to hold Karl Rove in contempt for failing to respond to a subpoena to face questioning from the Committee on the prosecution of former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman.

Now let's see what the full House does now. Democrats, please stand up straight and do the right thing to demonstrate to the folks that you work for, the folks who pay your salaries, that you have spines.

A good friend of ours knows Siegelman, and she says he was vindictively railroaded.


  1. Maybe our invertebrate Congressional Democrats just might sprout some kind of primitive spinal chord, instead of curling up inside their usual shells.

    I think the whole damn bunch should be put on trial for war crimes. We hanged people at the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials for less than what these folks have done.

  2. Prayers for justice are probably not exactly kosher but I'm sending them anyhow.

    Perhaps my post on hope applies here as well?

  3. I will pray for accountability.

    Since I have known miracles to happen, perhaps I might dare to pray for Dem spines.

    Godde COULD make that happen but She seems to insist upon cooperation with grace - and Dems in Congress being open to having spines again would be a real miracle.

  4. Piskie, prayers for justice are fine. That's what I want for the whole lot of them, along with the rights that they have denied others. Rove is not above the law. Tell the Congress the truth about Siegelman.

  5. I have already signed the petition. When asked by the DCCC why I wanted to discontinue receiving their emails, the spinlessness of the Congress was the reason.

  6. Marilyn, I have not given any politicians money recently, because I'm not pleased with much of what they do. I'll give the Democrats my vote, for there's no way I could vote for a Republican.

  7. Well, I certianly thnnk he's contemptable...


    Just popping by to say HI.

  8. Well, I certianly thnnk he's contemptable...


    Hi Lindy.


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