Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"Sad News"

Dear Jonathan,

It is with deep regret that I inform you of the passing of Elizabeth Kaeton's mother, Lydia.

I don't know if you have been told yet. Elizabeth will be flying directly to Massachusetts. Her mom had been ill on and off for the past year. Elizabeth has traveled up to visit her on several near death occasions. We ask all her friends for prayers.

May Lydia rest in peace and rise in glory. Godspeed, Elizabeth.

For Elizabeth and all those who love Lydia, may the Spirit of the living God enfold them in an abundance of love and grant them comfort, consolation, and the peace that passes understanding to keep their minds and hearts in Christ Jesus.

*Sent to MadPriest.

UPDATE: Elizabeth's extraordinary post and pictures titled "Pictorial Reflection: A little tour through an Olde English Church Yard" is definitely worth having a look at:

One of the most comforting places - the place where I visit at least twice a day - is the Church Yard of St. Stephen's, Hackington.

It is a place of solace, surrounded as it is by 'all the saints who from their labors rest'. Indeed, several of the previous rectors are buried in the church proper, their graves marked with their tombstones over which one must walk to the altar rail to receive Holy Eucharist.

I have read most of the tombstones, many of which reveal much about their lives. In between the names and the dates, one can read some of the lines of the stories of their lives - or, at least, their deaths.


  1. Thank you Grandmere for passing on this news.

    Prayers ascending for Elizabeth's safe journey home.

  2. It's especially hard to lose a loved one when you're far away.


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