Saturday, July 12, 2008

"On The Inspiration Of Scripture"

Scripture is the inspired Word of God, but it is always written in a human tongue. People do not speak God’s language, or have God’s knowledge, so God, when speaking to people through inspiration, must employ the human language of the culture and time of the one inspired, in order to impart any knowledge at all. God always “talks down” to us, and our finite human capacity always limits how well we understand the infinite God, and express that understanding. One cannot put the ocean in a bottle; and new wineskins must be used for new wine. As Jesus himself would later say, “I have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” (John 16:12-13)

Please read the entire post. It's not long. The link is below. Tobias gives a simple and concise explanation of inspiration in Scripture.

From Tobias Haller at In A Godward Direction.

UPDATE: Tobias on the use of "Word" and "word" in the 1928 BCP:

Ultimately, I think the point is that we ought not think that the Bible is the same as the second person of the Trinity.


  1. It was such a beautiful post- Tobias' always are.

    Thanks for recommending it so that others will see.

    You are a beacon out here for us all Mimi.

  2. Fran, thank you. If I can but point the way from time to time....

  3. Should be compulsory reading. In fact I may make a few particular people read it.

  4. Hmmm. Now who could those people be, DP?


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