Saturday, July 12, 2008

Let The Light Of Christ Shine

From Gene Robinson, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire, at Canterbury Tales From The Fringe:

Just finishing a three day conference of the Modern Churchpersons Union, north of London. This is a 110-year-old, left of center Liberal group, and proud of it. They have been a most welcoming and warm group. A VERY nice way to begin my trek in England.

God seems very close. As I tried to point to God and not to myself in this presentation, I was once again reminded of the need we all have to remember that we can do none of this well without the Living God. I have gotten clearer and clearer about why I'm here: as Psalm 27 puts it, I seek one thing only -- to sing God's song in this place, and to let the light of Christ in me and through me shine for all the world to see.

Our Bishop Gene is off and running. Let's keep him in our prayers.


  1. Yes I had put him in my reader, so I saw that. It is great!

  2. I only just made the connection! Gene doesn't do himself any favours in this post, you should read the speech he gave! It's on

    The most amazing paragraph was:

    “We are not at liberty to think we are on the selection committee for God’s family, our job is to be on the welcome committee and the sooner we learn that in the Anglican Communion the better off we will be."

  3. Erika, I liked his post. Is there something wrong with it? To try to be the light of Christ? Sounds good to me.

    I looked for a link to the speech, but I could not find it. I'll go read it now.

  4. The link is not to the whole text of the speech. I'd like to see that. But the quote that you picked out is excellent, and it is true.

  5. Thanks for sharing--although I am probably more on the conservative anglican end of things we need to hear and communicate and love each other. The thing I find refreshing about Bishop R. is that his heart wants to glorify God. It seems that he really does not want it to be about himself, but he wants the focus on God. He appears to be a humble man; he also (at least it seems evident to me) seems to really have a heart of love for others , like himself, that have suffered for being gay...those who have felt rejected from the church and from God....he longs for them to know the intimacy and joy of the Lord. I hope he continues to have such a heart of humility and perhaps it will help to open the doors of communicatio.

  6. NannyKim, welcome. It's good to hear from you. Gene truly seems to want the light of Christ to shine through him. He is strongly rooted in the Scriptures from his childhood, and he experienced the love of God from an early age. He radiates that love in every speech and interview that I've seen on TV or video.

    Thank you for visiting and leaving your good words. We are one in the Spirit of the living God.


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