Saturday, July 12, 2008

Why Are You Here?

This cartoon is by Dave Walker.


  1. In the great battle of the screens, the computer has won out, so here I am.
    (But I'm going out later!)

  2. I love what Jim said.

    I hate the brainwashing of advertising.

  3. not going out today. so far at least. and not shopping. so there.

    But do plan to go to Chautauqua to hear Peter Gomes tomorrow. I didn't get that ad on TV. I read The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus. Read. No ads in the traditional sense. Some of us still do that, eh? Maybe I can get the book autographed.

  4. With me, the computer screen won the battle of the screens some time ago. For better or for worse.

    Ruth, I've become so skilled at tuning out commercials that I probably couldn't tell you the source of any of them. They're handy for bathroom breaks.

    Piskie, lucky you.

  5. Taciturn can sing any of the TV commercials from his childhood. He admits he is a child of Madison Ave.

    But the thing both of us hate the most is shopping. We have enough STUFF already.

    My friend BB is the anti shopper. She buys few things new and even said on her baby registry site that she wanted used things. The Ad Men hate her, I'm sure.

  6. Laurelew, you can't hate it more than I do. Earlier in the week, for the first time in ages, I went to a clothing store just around the corner to have a look, because of an ad announcing 70% off. What a waste of time. I didn't spend a penny. If I must shop, I much prefer online shopping.

    Brava for your friend who wanted used stuff for the baby.

  7. Does the farmers' market count? ;-) I just went this morning and got the first fresh, ripe peaches of the summer. !!! And it was packed with people. So maybe some of us weren't at Circuit City or the Dress Barn...

  8. Jane, of course the farmers' market counts. Our fresh-from-the-tree peaches are gone. Grandpère grows an abundance of produce, so I eat whatever is ripe. I am totally spoiled for true fresh fruit and vegetables.

  9. Do home deliveries from supermarkets and organic farms count?

    I like online shopping, but I hate all the hassle when you have to return things, and wish I'd gone to a shop in the first place.

  10. I really like online shopping, but also do not like returns. But since I usually buy books online, I don't return those!

    I really like Dave Walker's cartoons.

  11. Returns are a pain, and they're not free unless the item is damaged or defective. I buy clothes from only two or three merchants. I know the sizes, and I don't often have to return purchases.

    I love Dave Walker, too. He's kind to allow bloggers to post his cartoons, if they follow a few simple rules.


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