Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Word From Friends At Lambeth

Our young friend Allie, who is "doing the Lambeth walk" as a steward, gives us the scoop on the colour coded lanyards at Lambeth - who wears which colour. As you will see, Allie has already been infected by the English spelling, and - Alas! - I seem to have caught the virus, too. Poor baby is having technical difficulties. Let's hope she gets that fixed soon.

Our other friend, the ever young-at-heart, Elizabeth Kaeton, has a great story from Lambeth 10 years ago when she was a famous first.


  1. I admit to have been writing in an English manner on my blog for quite some time! It's addictive.

  2. RB love, I know that you aspire to the Episcopal (Anglican?) priesthood, but it's truly not necessary to use the Queen's English spelling here in the US. Trust me. It won't get you "preferment" over here, as they say "over there".

  3. Using a mac, it is quite frustrating to have my correct English spelling corrected by my email program. As Davis noted on my recent blog about you funny Americans: "We are divided by a common language."

  4. Brian, we are divided by our common language, but I'll say this for you: you do pretty well for a foreigner.

  5. Ann, is there one link that will serve for all the bishops' blogs, or at least, one list of all of them with links?

  6. I've been alternating between American and British spellings for years... it was only a matter of time :-)

  7. Allie! You and Reverend Boy, too! What is it with you young people?


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