Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Obama's Faith

From Jon Meacham in Newsweek:

The tradition of which Obama is a part is best exemplified by another of his heroes: Lincoln. "Probably it is my lot to go on in a twilight, feeling and reasoning my way through life, as questioning, doubting Thomas did," Lincoln, who belonged to no church, said. "But in my poor, maimed way, I bear with me as I go on seeking a spirit of desire for a faith that was with him of olden time, who, in his need, as I in mine, exclaimed, 'Help thou my unbelief'." He added: "I doubt the possibility, or propriety, of settling the religion of Jesus Christ in the models of man-made creeds and dogmas … I cannot without mental reservations assent to long and complicated creeds and catechisms."

Asked about what he has learned from Lincoln's spiritual journey, Obama tells NEWSWEEK: "My religious influences extend to the Founding Fathers, and I would include Lincoln in that category. Because these were men driven by reason and were full of skepticism and doubt. So much so that some of them considered themselves deists as opposed to strict Christians as we'd call them. But look at somebody like Lincoln: [he] starts off, as far as we can tell, a deeply skeptical but powerfully moral person who, as he finds himself in the midst of history and potential cataclysm, feels it necessary to hang on to a more explicit belief in providence and faith. And so that resonates with me. I think that there's a place where, the more seriously you take the world and the more you find yourself struggling with good and evil and war and the great moral questions of the day, the more you have to fall back on some sort of north star. Or you get lost. The kinds of issues that might get confronted are so difficult that the weight you carry was so great, that the possibilities of paralysis are—Lincoln himself acknowledged are—sometimes too present. What gets him out of bed, that's powerful stuff."

Powerful stuff is right. Obama's models in the spiritual journey are Lincoln and the Founding Fathers. Not bad at all. But can the majority of citizens in the US, which is fast hurtling toward becoming a theocracy, stand this sort of honesty and ambiguity?

After reading the articles in Newsweek on Obama's faith, my estimation of the magazine has risen a few notches.

Here's the link to the longer article on Obama and faith. He sounds thoughtful and intelligent. What a breath of fresh air compared to the man who presently "serves" in the office of the president. I'm shedding tears that we've had someone like Bush as president for seven and one half years. I pray for relief and someone of a completely different type, next time around. Lord, have mercy upon us.


  1. With Obamas war of hatred against America in full swing, and escalating, there isn't a whole lot of humor going around about his presidential dreams these days. Being Americas greatest enemy from the inside isn't anything anyone can find a happy future in. And America is only beginning to pay the price for his life in Washington DC that is still only speculation at best.

  2. ...Obamas war of hatred against America....

    Freedom-Road, what an odd and silly statement to make. Do you mean to say that the next four years will be different from the Bush years if Obama is elected? Well, I fervently hope so. I don't think we could survive another Bush-like maladministration. You know what they say about McCain, don't you? He won't be McSame, he will be McWorse. I believe that.

    I have different ideas than you about who is America's greatest enemy from the inside. Wake up.

  3. I have the magazine in one of my stacks around here. Thanks for bringing attention to the article. It motivates me to read it. (I've had a couple of jobs going on that have curtailed my reading.)

  4. Ruth, Grandpère subscribes, but I had about given up reading it.

  5. Lawzie! What a deluded maroon! "Being America's greatest enemy from the inside": Cheney retired that trophy years ago.

    It's an embarrassment to be on the same planet as you. Don't come back out until one of us lifts the rock.

  6. I think America would do well to be graced with a man of the claiber of Barack Obama. Statements such as these are what make me hopeful. I hope Americans are wise enough to elect him as President of the US.

  7. I've read that Bill O'Reilly says that Newsweek really has slipped under Jon Meacham. I bet freedom_road subscribes to that view.

    The biggest enemy the US has had in many years is presently the occupier of the office of president. He has done more to destroy this country than Saddam or Osama could ever do. I say that as a military veteran and as the spouse of a (now retired) USAF senior officer.

    Bring on Obama! After I read his speech from the Sojourners sponsored conference in 2006, I've thought he was the one who would be a great President.

    Keep it up, Mimi.

  8. It's little enough, but I try. I actually had tears in my eyes when I read Meacham's piece.


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