Monday, August 18, 2008

Can The Country Take This Kind Of Satire?

Probably not. But I'm going to link anyway to the latest Obama scandal at The Onion. I was going to copy the picture, but I thought that would be TOO MUCH.

Note to the uninitiated: The Onion is a satirical online magazine.


  1. I had considered posting that photo of Cooter, but I decided against doing so. But that's one great article.

  2. Padre Mickey, if it was too strong for you, then I know that I did the right thing not to publish the picture. How long will it be before it makes the email rounds as a real picture? I expect they've already begun.

  3. I love The Onion. They spare no one, and that is exactly why they are so funny.

  4. "How long will it be before it makes the email rounds as a real picture? I expect they've already begun."

    My worry too but it's so oversized (the graphic) and outrageous - the New Yorker on the other hand- not known for over the top political humor could've been damaging - hopefully forgotten by the people who are ready to get affected.. the subliminal stuff that I think will go around is what really worries me and what I think that inflamatory breast cancer alert I received with the Oprah seeming video clustered in (I hadn't seen it til then) and the unfortunate mindset of some of my co-workers- I worry..
    I would've thought any democratic/non-Bush person would be a shoe-in but now I'm a little worried..

  5. I guess I should mention- I ALWAYS worry- but actually not about this one.. my grandkids gravatar-proably reflects me- but it is very funny and if they included the article anyone would see the satire- hopefully..

  6. Is that Akinola with the banner?

  7. Jim, the folks at the Onion are good, very good.

    RR, hilarious. Excellent.

    Fran, I am scared shitless of McCain becoming president, but there is little I can do to affect the outcome, so, most of the time, I lay my fears aside.

    I am a worrier, too, but I do believe that you surpass me.

  8. When I wonder "How much can our country take?", and I do, satire is not the object of my speculation.

  9. Johnieb, nor is it mine. It's that I can't cry all the time. I really need to laugh from time to time.


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