Thursday, August 7, 2008

Comments Disappear

Is anyone else on Blogger having problems with comments disappearing? I know that they come in, because I get an email for each comment, but they don't show up on the blog, or they disappear after posting. I don't want folks to think I'm deleting their comments. My post "Colonialism and Anti-Colonialism" had comments, and now they're gone. Note to all: It's not me. It's Blogger


  1. I seem to be ok. I know blogger was doing some maintenance last night, maybe they'll come back?

  2. Go to your post list. Hit "edit" for the post in question. Check "Post Options" at the bottom and see if the choice "Don't allow comments, hide existing" accidentally got clicked. Sometimes when I'm editing, I have stray clicks on parts of the page that do things I didn't intend.

  3. I seem to be perfectly fine ... but then again, i use Wordpress.


  4. Blogger has been, as one might say in Yiddish, fecacta (feh-CAHK-tah) lately.

    I have not had this problem that I am aware of... yet.

    Blogger has been eating comments that I try to leave however!

  5. Thanks for the responses.

    Ruth, I checked the "Post Options". and that isn't the problem.

    RB, get down here and help me change to Wordpress, love. I had a hard enough time setting up on Blogger. I am not techie savvy. I must say that one thing I don't like about Wordpress is that there is no preview function.

    Fran, I agree. I've been having trouble posting comments with Blogger, too. They suck at the moment. Let's hope they're working hard to make it better. "Fecacta" works for me.

  6. Blogger has been a bit weird lately. Funny things have happened on my sidebars. At the moment, if you click the blog links on my 'blogging from a distance sidebar, all you get is the RSS feed. Hmm.

    Still, it's cheap and cheerful, and I also tried Wordpress and really didn't like it. And I don't want to shell out the bucks for Typepad.

  7. I haven't had those problems, but there is definitely something up with blogger--my blogroll links keep taking me to feeds instead of the actual site.

    It's all kind of suckish right now.

  8. I'm not having any Blogger problems at the moment, so I can only blame the suckitude of my blog on other factors.

    Your blog, of course, has no such worries. It may be the comments just wanted a vacation. Of course, they may be where the socks in the dryer go. Have you noticed a higher number of socks than usual missing, lately?

    I'm convinced all the really important mysteries are connected.

  9. Tim, I'm not ready to pay either, because some of what I pay for on the internet is nearly as bad as Blogger. Nor am I yet ready to move to Wordpress.

    Missy, yours is one of the comments that disappeared. I know, because I still have the email. It was on the "Colonialism...." post.

    Rmj, the socks! Of course! The missing comments are with the missing socks! One of the disappeared comments was my response to one of your comments, but I don't remember what I said. Couldn't have been important.

    Your blog does NOT suck.

    When I arrive at the gates of heavenly kingdom, I'm definitely going to ask St. Peter about the socks.

  10. Actually, I meant to say my blog SOCKS!

    Except they keep turning up missing....

  11. Are you sure it's not merely a cache problem? If you haven't cleared your cache for a bit, you may be revisiting pre-comment pages. Worth a try, anyway.
    BTW, I post on a couple of Wordpress blogs, and don't find them especially user-friendly. Blogger hasn't let me down much in the past couple of years.

  12. Rmj, excellent.

    Chris! What a coincidence! I just left a comment for you. I'm not sure which cache you refer to for emptying. I've always had comments. Some of the comments were posted and later disappeared.

    I don't like all the pop-ups at Wordpress, and it looks more complicated than Blogger. Blogger is mostly simple and user-friendly, but it has its moments of fallibility - as I do, so who am I to complain?

  13. Grandmere, the cache appears under different names depending on your browser - in Firefox, it's in the Tools menu under "clear private data". At other times I've seen it as simply "Empty cache". Take a wee look around and see if you can find anything like that. It doesn't do any harm, though some of your sites may take longer to load after clearing it, and you may want to retain pre-filled forms....
    Good luck!

  14. Chris, I use Firefox, too. I found the cache and emptied it. We'll see if that takes care of the problem. The cache probably needed to be emptied anyway for other purposes. Thanks.

  15. I'm also having this problem! I found that if I post a comment myself on the post with missing comments, they magically reappear - weird!!

  16. Hi Leni and Rose. Welcome. Thanks for the advice. I tried it on one post and a comment returned. Interesting. However, my new comment did not publish. I typed in, "This is a test," and that's not showing. If it happens again, I'll try your solution first off.

  17. In my case, it wasn't just the comments. My blog disappeared completely! But it turned out that there was just some temporary glitch in Blogger's system. Perhaps we have the same case? Read my story about what happened to my blog, and you might figure out what went wrong in yours. Thanks!

  18. kPg, this post is 3 years old. The problem was solved long ago, but thanks anyway.

  19. Hi Grandmere Mimi! Sorry to bother you about this since as you mentioned this post is 3 years old but I hope you don't mind if I please ask you to help us who still have this problem? I too have Blogger and comments still disappear. Could I please ask what you did to fix it? Many thanks in advance.

  20. Frank, recently Blogger began blocking spam, or what it decided was spam. Sometimes comments which are not spam get diverted into the spam folder. Try this:

    Click on 'Design' on the upper right top of your blog home page.

    Then click on 'Comments' on the top left.

    Then, on the upper left you will see 'Spam'. Click on the 'Spam' button to see if you have comments that went into the folder by mistake.

    If you find comments which are not spam, click on 'Not Spam', and they will appear on your blog. Usually if you allow the comment through, the next time that person posts a comment it will not go into the spam folder.

    I hope this helps.


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