Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Time For Wisdom From Maxine

And one more.

Thanks to the ever-faithful Doug.


  1. 1st cartoon: That's the truth
    2nd cartoon: Yeah!

  2. uh huh. on both counts. they're so true that they're almost not funny.


  3. I loves me doses of Maxine. I have a supply. Doug nearly crashed my email with Maxine cartoons, so expect more in the future

  4. I loves me some Maxine. Almost as much as I loves me some Sylvia.

  5. Jane R, I hadn't heard of Sylvia, until you just mentioned it now... googled her and found some samples.. Very very good.. as an owner or should I saying a person who is owned by 2 cats I can especially relate to the cat ones! I love cartoons with an edge to them.. have been addicted to New Yorker cartoons since I was a child (well teenager) .. has anyone noticed that it seems like the New Yorker has fewer of them lately.. :-( We ought to come up with a blog where people contribute original cartoons and the best ones get submitted to the New Yorker to help them out..

  6. I believe it was Maxine who said, "If God intended for me to bend over there would be chocolate on the floor..."

  7. Susan S., LOL. That's almost sidebar-worthy.

  8. Well, feel free to use it. I have no sidebar, so I won't be.

  9. BTW, did you get the link to the Rummage Sale Item?

  10. Wait, my cat must have put that chocolate on the floor!

  11. Jane, I have the chocolate Maxine, too.


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