Sunday, August 17, 2008

Good News About William

My daughter reports that William is much better. The swelling has gone down, he's itching much less, and he slept like a rock. Thanks be to God, and thanks to all you beautiful people who sent prayers and good wishes his way and my way. We are most grateful. I am greatly relieved and breathing easier today.


  1. poor kid --I am so glad he is feeling better. He will continue in my thoughts and prayers until we get the all clear!

    when I was about 7, I fell on a hornet's nest, about 70-80 bites I am told...I don't remember much about it except the crying.... hopefully, neither will William!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. sorry Grandmere --my computer posted the same response twice.... that was my delete.

  4. Thanks, Margaret. Hornets? Yikes!

    Double posts happen. Better that than having a long comment disappear into the bowels of Blogger.

  5. Excellent news about William. I'm so glad he got a good night's sleep. He needed that.

  6. I'm so glad. I was wondering how he is.

  7. Wonderful news. Thanks for the update Grandmere!

  8. Thank you all. I can't tell you how much better I feel today, knowing that William is better. It's a new day, indeed.

  9. I am glad he is better. that's so scary.

  10. So glad you are both (and I guess his mother also) feeling much better. Prayers of thanks arising.

  11. So glad to hear he's on the mend. There's nothing like prayer- don't I know it! We had a good day today and James reminded me of all the prayer on our behalf. God is good- and so are all of you- it does make a difference I think. For me I know it has.

  12. The prayers do, indeed, keep us afloat. I'm very grateful, to God and to all of you.

  13. Thanks be to God! My heart just hurt before God when i first read that post!

  14. Praise God! so glad to hear this!

  15. Glad to hear William is getting better. I know it lifts your spirits to know he is feeling better.

  16. Thanks all. UT, a hurting heart is a good way to describe my feelings, too.

  17. Oh. Duh. I should hve just scrolled down. Glad he's doing well.

  18. that is good news. thanks for the update.

  19. I'm glad he's doing better. Kids tend to be rather durable.

  20. How lovely and generous you all are. Thank you.

  21. That's so wonderful to hear. He was in our prayers at St. Mark's, Berkeley.

  22. Oh, if he was taking benedril or some other such med, it's no wonder he slept all night. That stuff puts me out like a light!

  23. Ah...

    William's better.


  24. Susan, with my daughter and her sons, Benedril has the opposite effect of making them hyper. The antihistamine is effective, but it doesn't put them to sleep. It puts me right to sleep.

    Göran, thanks for caring.


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